What is VET

What is VET?

Vocational Education and Training (VET) provides people with the workplace skills and technical knowledge they need to meet current and future employment demands. Put simply, VET is skill-based education and training. An integral part of the Australian tertiary education system, VET is designed to support NSW’s economic, regional and community development.

VET is the education option that offers a practical alternative to university through standalone qualifications, as well as apprenticeships and traineeships that let you learn in the workplace while in paid employment. It leads to nationally recognised qualifications that range from Certificates I – IV to Diploma and Advanced Diploma.

Not only is there a VET course for every industry, there are VET courses for the largest growth areas and for all occupations reporting a shortage of labour. VET is now more relevant than ever when it comes to making NSW businesses globally competitive.

Why VET?

In today’s competitive job market, it’s important you have the right technical skills and qualifications. A practical approach to education prepares you for the real world. Employers all over Australia hold VET qualifications in high regard. They know VET delivers a structured program designed by industry experts that coaches students through the specific skills industry needs.

Get there faster and pay less

VET helps you take a faster, lower-cost route to completing a qualification and finding employment compared to getting a university degree. Courses at Certificate I–IV level usually take between six months to two years. Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses range from one to two years. Apprenticeships and traineeships let you earn while you learn and take around three to four years to complete. While fees for VET depend on your personal circumstances and the type of course you choose, they are generally lower than university fees.

Build a career you enjoy

A VET qualification can lead to a well-paid career. It will give you the skills employers are looking for, the chance to get a good job and a bright future. More than just a great way to get into the workforce, VET also allows you to progress to higher-level qualifications, building on your skills and knowledge as you go. You can also gain credits towards university entry via a VET pathway. Whatever you choose to do in life, VET can set you up for success.

Busting VET myths

Myth 1: VET graduates earn lower wages than university graduates.

Reality: The median full-time income for a VET graduate is $56,000. The median salary for a bachelor’s degree graduate is $54,000.

Myth 2: University graduates find work more easily than VET graduates.

Reality: 78% of VET graduates are employed after training and 82% of VET apprentices or trainees are employed after training. This is compared to 69% of bachelor’s degree graduates.

Myth 3: VET is no longer relevant in a globally competitive world.

Reality: The Commonwealth Department of Employment found that VET provides training for nine out of 10 occupations predicted to have the greatest new job growth over the next five years.

Download the VET factsheet

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