Apprenticeships and traineeships

An apprenticeship or traineeship will give you the skills employers need while you’re being paid to get a nationally-recognised qualification.

Gain skills, experience and training

Apprenticeships and traineeships open the door to gaining essential skills, experience and training. You’ll gain more independence while learning skills that will set you up for life, kickstarting your career. You can even begin your apprenticeship or traineeship while you’re at school.

What are the benefits?

  • a pathway from school to work
  • hands-on training valued by employers
  • you get paid while you train
  • conditions, like sick leave and holiday pay
  • full-time or part-time options available
  • if you have prior experience, you may qualify as an apprentice or trainee more quickly

Apprentice or trainee - what's the difference?

As an apprentice, you’ll spend three to four years learning a traditional trade such as building and construction, automotive, cooking, engineering, hairdressing or manufacturing. You’ll graduate as a qualified tradesperson. As a trainee, you’ll spend one to three years, depending on your industry and qualification, learning a vocation in areas such as agriculture, information technology, hospitality, business, digital media or financial services.

How do I become an apprentice or trainee?

Find a career you love

Apprenticeships and traineeships are available in over 500 careers so there’ll be one that sparks your passion.

Find an employer

Search job vacancy ads in your local paper and online. Talk to friends and family to see if they know of any opportunities. Apply for a job through a Group Training Organisation. Group Training Organisations employ apprentices and trainees and place them with host employers. It’s a great way to experience a variety of workplaces.

Make contact

Speak to employers in the industry you’d like to work in. Remember, approaching a business with an up-to-date resume shows initiative.

Earn while you learn

There’s no substitute for learning on the job. Instead of paying to learn future job skills, you’ll do a real job for a real employer and earn a real wage.

You may be eligible for a fee-free apprenticeship or fee-free traineeship through our Smart and Skilled program.

Pre-apprenticeships and pre-traineeships

Thinking about taking up an apprenticeship or traineeship but not sure if it’s right for you? Why not enrol in a fee-free pre-apprenticeship or pre-traineeship course and see if it suits?

Under a pre-apprenticeship or pre-traineeship, you’ll undertake an introductory unit allowing you to get a taste of the trade or industry. If you decide it’s for you, then you are already on your way to studying for your full qualification.

Download the apprenticeships and traineeships factsheet

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