Welcome to the Student Wellbeing Innovation Fund
The 2023 round of the Student Wellbeing Innovation Fund is now closed to applications. Over 330 applications were received and assessed. An overview of the projects receiving a grant are available on our website.
Thank you to everyone who applied for a grant to support the wellbeing of our students.
The Student Wellbeing Innovation Fund 2024 round will not be proceeding. The department has released its Our Plan for Public Education and will continue to prioritise and invest in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of students including the expansion of the Student Wellbeing external programs catalogue and School Counselling Service.
The Fund is administered by the NSW Department of Education. The 2023 round opened on Monday 20 February 2023 and closed at midnight on 2 April 2023.
About the Fund
The Fund provided an opportunity for providers of wellbeing programs and initiatives to:
- Build upon existing quality-assured, evidence-based student wellbeing programs and initiatives to enable further expansion of programs and initiatives to new cohorts listed in the priority areas.
- Develop new, bespoke programs and initiatives to address student wellbeing via development funding, enabling providers to research, create, develop and test new approaches to supporting and addressing student wellbeing.
Objectives of the Fund
There were five Priority Areas for applications under the Student Wellbeing Innovation Fund, embedding the wellbeing elements of belonging, resilience and behaviour, including:
- Primary school-aged students
- Students transitioning to Kindergarten and to High School
- Students living in regional and remote areas
- Students from target cohorts, including Aboriginal students and culturally and linguistically diverse students; students with additional needs and/or disabilities; students from a migrant or refugee background; and female students
- Cyber health.