Unpacking the main themes and issues emerging from the research and evidence collected, will help define the priorities for school attendance planning.

A problem statement helps to define and understand the problem by identifying:

  • who the problem impacts
  • what the impacts are
  • where the problem occurs
  • why it needs to be fixed

as well as clarifying what the expected outcome are.

Consider how you might:

  • organise, display and seek feedback on the evidence and underlying causes of non-attendance

Check the Digital Tool Selector for examples of tools and activities

  • engage other stakeholder groups to maximise the impact of initiatives

Consider how to collaborate with your key stakeholder groups such as Parent & Citizens, School Council, local Aboriginal Education Consultative Group and other community organisations.

  • score the relative impact and effort to inform decision making

Read about process, outcomes and economic evaluations.

  • identify and mitigate risks as part of school planning

Integrate risk management into planning.

Strategically plan for Excellence in attendance for every student.

Read about balancing whole of school, targeted and intensive attendance strategies.


The video below provides a brief introduction to evaluative thinking. You can read more at the Evaluation resources hub

An introduction to evaluative thinking.
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