School administrative and support staff recruitment
Direction and guidance on recruiting and appointing school administrative and support staff (SASS) in NSW public schools.
All SASS positions in NSW public schools.
Version | Date | Description of changes | Approved by |
V01.0.0 |
18/12/2024 |
Under the 2023 Policy and procedure review program, new policy document consolidating existing instructions and improving clarity and readability. |
Chief People Officer, People Group |
About the policy
Under the Recruitment and onboarding policy, the department is committed to fair and equitable recruitment and comprehensive onboarding practices in its workplaces by:
- using inclusive and merit-based recruitment practices to ensure fair, ethical and transparent appointments that build employee and public confidence in departmental appointments
- offering a range of promotion and transfer options that provide employees with the opportunity to progress their career
- ensuring that recruitment practices comply with all relevant recruitment legislation, regulations, industrial instruments, codes of practice, standards, procedures and guidelines.
Term | Definition |
Above centrally identified position – can be temporary or permanent. ACIP positions are not part of the school’s entitlement and are funded using school funds. |
Census day |
A specified day in Term 1 of each year when actual student numbers are recorded and submitted on the Online Management of School Enrolment and Entitlement (OMSEE) system. |
Centrally identified position – reflected on the school’s school administrative and support staff (SASS) entitlement. |
Flexible funding |
Equity loadings provide additional needs-based funding to support student achievement. |
Full-time equivalent. A full-time position is reflected as 1.0 FTE. A position of one day per week is reflected as 0.2 FTE. |
Integration funding |
Targeted program funding for individual identified students. This funding is based on a confirmed disability that requires moderate to high adjustment levels, and a school must request this funding. Integration funding allocated to the school is above the school’s centrally identified staffing entitlement, specifically to meet the needs of a particular student or students. |
Long term temporary – generally, this would apply to any temporary engagement of more than one school term. |
Merit selection procedure |
Describes the advertising process and selecting a recommended candidate through a standardised, merit-based process. |
The online management of school entitlements and enrolments. |
Program funding |
A funding allocation provided for students with low-level adjustment for disability (with or without diagnosis). The allocation is based on student needs and can be used to employ additional temporary or permanent SASS staff. Funds are allocated to a school in addition to the school’s centrally identified staffing entitlement to meet the needs of particular students. |
SASS entitlement |
The total amount of SASS staffing, expressed as a full-time equivalent (FTE) figure, which is allocated to a school for staffing purposes; this is allocated via the appropriate formula related to the school type or may be provided by other program areas. |
Total permanent service |
Total permanent service is defined as the aggregate of all service as a permanent SASS employee irrespective of classification, hours of duty and whether service was continuous or broken. All periods of leave without pay or unauthorised absence are to be excluded in calculating total service. Total permanent service is an important factor to consider when a school experiences a decrease in entitlement. |
Vacant position |
The school support staff recruitment:
- implement and maintain the procedure.
Principals, or their delegate:
- follow this procedure to guide their decision-making in filling temporary and permanent SASS positions within their schools, where applicable.
SASS employees:
- use this procedure as a reference to understand how SASS vacancies are filled and how the end-to-end recruitment process operates.
What needs to be done
This procedure describes the recruitment and appointment processes for school administrative and support staff (SASS) in NSW public schools. All temporary and permanent vacant SASS positions must be filled in accordance with this procedure (refer to Definitions for what defines a vacant position).
Schools should follow this procedure when hiring all SASS positions:
- school administrative manager
- school administrative officer
- school learning support officer
- school learning support officer student health support
- Aboriginal education officer
- business manager 1
- business manager 2.
1. Filling vacancies
All SASS vacancies of 0.2 FTE and above funded from centrally identified staffing entitlement must be filled in a permanent capacity unless there are exceptional circumstances where the vacancy may be placed on hold for up to 12 months.
The position must be declared within 2 terms of the vacancy occurring. The principal will need to take into account the needs of students and the operational requirements of the school and may only hold the position in a temporary capacity if the conditions below are met.
1.1 Procedure for temporary appointment to a permanent position
A permanent position may be filled on a temporary basis when:
- the enrolments at the school have been and/or are projected to decline
- the enrolments at the school have been fluctuating
- the substantive holder of the position is seconded or temporarily appointed to another position
- the substantive holder of the position is on leave
- the permanent vacancy is being used to vary the mix of staff as per the Determining the Mix of Staff in NSW Public Schools Procedure (DOCX 437 KB).
Note: if the principal determines that the vacancy is to be held in a temporary capacity or it is being used to vary the mix of staff, it is a requirement that the vacant position is declared on the Online Management of School Enrolment and Entitlement (OMSEE) system so that it can be placed on hold. These positions are reviewed at the end of each school year.
In the case of vacancies being held due to uncertain enrolment numbers, SASS Recruitment will review the vacancy after the school has submitted actual enrolment figures on the census day in Term 1 so it can be placed on hold. These positions are reviewed at the end of each school year. In the case of vacancies being held due to uncertain enrolment numbers, SASS Recruitment will review the vacancy after the school has submitted actual enrolment figures on the census day in Term 1.
There are 2 types of temporary engagements:
- short term – the temporary employee is engaged temporarily either full time or part time in the position for a period of up to one school term
- long term – the temporary employee is engaged temporarily either full time or part time in the position in excess of one school term.
Where a long-term temporary opportunity is available, it is best practice for the principal to advertise it. The advertisement is ideally via I work for NSW or Staff Noticeboard, but may also be local to the school. The principles of merit, as outlined in the SASS merit selection procedure, must be followed when selecting the successful candidate.
Refer to Supporting tools, resources and related information below for tools and templates.
Principals should carefully consider the method of advertisement, noting that only long-term temporary roles advertised externally or via the Staff Noticeboard will be eligible for conversion to a permanent position under this procedure.
Note: the substantive occupant of the permanent position holds right of return to that position, irrespective of the timeframe, unless the employee either:
- separates from the department
- is successful in obtaining another permanent position.
Principals will be responsible for monitoring vacancies held in a temporary capacity and SASS Recruitment will contact a school if any vacant permanent position has been left unfilled for more than 12 months.
1.2 Procedure for permanent appointment to vacant positions
When a permanent SASS vacancy is to be filled, the principal will declare the vacancy on OMSEE. If there are no priority matches identified, the principal will note their preferred fill method under Principal Determination.
For funded school learning support officer (SLSO) positions, principals must base their decisions on the continuation of programs and support for existing and future students. The following should be considered when reviewing a funded SLSO vacancy within a school:
- learning needs of individual students
- educational needs of individual students
- delivery of educational programs to support the students’ projected ongoing work for the employee
- ongoing funding (known as integration or program funding) for the establishment of a permanent full-time or part-time SLSO position (note: other program funding may be utilised to supplement or fully fund the SLSO position). Decisions to create a position will be based on information relating to current funding and an understanding that the funding will continue into the future.
This recruitment is subject to a matching process consisting of 3 steps.
Step 1 – Priority match
Employees on the match with nominated, compassionate or resumption of duty status, will be reviewed and an appointment made.
Step 2 – Aboriginal SASS Initiative (previously referred to as ‘Rec 55’ positions)
If the school has been identified under the Aboriginal SASS Initiative (ASI), the vacancy will be forwarded to the Aboriginal Programs team for review and action. The Aboriginal Programs team will make direct contact with the principal to discuss the school's current needs and explain the importance of the ASI. If the initiative is accepted, the Aboriginal Programs team will support the school through the entire recruitment process.
Step 3 – Principal determination
If no priority matches or Aboriginal SASS Initiative candidates are identified, the principal can select which recruitment method is used to fill the position.
Principals will have the following options:
- external advertising and conducting a merit selection process
- activate an eligibility list. Eligibility lists may be used from positions of the same classification advertised at the school where the vacancy exists or from other schools that have advertised the same classification. Refer to the SASS merit selection information for further details
- appoint an eligible long-term temporary employee.
1.3 Appointment of a long-term temporary employee to a permanent position
A principal may request the appointment of a long-term temporary employee to fill a vacant position in a permanent capacity. Where the permanent position is a centrally identified position, this will be subject to:
- there being no priority or Aboriginal SASS Initiative (ASI) matches
- the employee meeting the eligibility criteria.
The long term temporary (LTT) employee must have been engaged in temporary employment for a period of at least 12 months in the same classification as the vacancy and have been recommended for either:
- their current employment through a merit selection process for the temporary position via I work for NSW
- an eligibility list from any school through a merit selection process for a position advertised via I work for NSW for the same classification as the vacancy within the last 2 years
- the temporary position by applying via the Staff Noticeboard (internal expression of interest [EOI]), where a merit-based assessment process has been followed to determine the recommended candidate.
Where an LTT employee was initially engaged via a local selection process, which was not advertised via I work for NSW or the Staff Noticeboard, and the employee is not on any other relevant eligibility list, they will not be eligible for conversion. In this circumstance, the principal is required to advertise the permanent position externally, and the LTT employee would need to apply.
Where the LTT employee has been engaged via the Staff Noticeboard EOI, to be eligible for later permanent appointment, the employee must be selected using a merit-based assessment, including at minimum:
- a written application or expression of interest from the candidate, referencing the requirements of the position
- an interview, which includes a discussion of the requirements of the position and the relevant statement of duties
- 2 referee checks.
Principals must retain a record of the Staff Noticeboard EOI process to confirm the eligibility of the LTT employee for a subsequent permanent appointment.
Refer to Supporting tools, resources and related information below for tools and templates.
1. The principal must discuss the vacancy with the employee before submitting on OMSEE to confirm that the employee wishes to be appointed as a permanent employee.
2. The principal will declare the vacancy on OMSEE and enter details of the long-term temporary (LTT) to be considered for the position and where they undertook the merit selection process.
3. SASS Recruitment will review the request and, where it is a centrally identified position, run a match to determine if there are any priority or Aboriginal SASS Initiative matches. If the vacancy is an above centrally identified position, the position may be filled by the option selected under Principals Determination on the OMSEE form.
4. If there are no matches, SASS Recruitment will review the relevant merit selection reports and confirm if the LTT is eligible to be converted.
2. Understanding permanent and temporary positions above centrally identified staffing establishment
Consistent with the Determining the Mix of Staff in NSW Public Schools Procedure (DOCX 437 KB), a principal may utilise flexible funding to create additional positions above the school’s centrally identified positions, (ACIP) for filling by permanent or temporary appointment. These positions may be established through application by the principal, after consultation with the school community and with the approval of the director, educational leadership. In determining the case for a permanent position, consideration should be given to the amount and continuity of funding, the ongoing requirement for the position and the needs of the school:
- A long-term temporary engagement of up to 3 years or a permanent appointment can be used to fill a vacant ACIP.
- If the ACIP is being filled on a permanent basis the principal may select the preferred fill method under Principal Determination on the OMSEE form.
3. Varying the mix of staff
In accordance with the Determining the Mix of Staff in NSW Public Schools Procedure (DOCX 437 KB) a principal may make the local decision to vary the mix of staff by using entitlement funding from a vacant position to temporarily create a different position at the school. The position cannot be made permanent but can be extended the following year.
Note: an exception to this rule is for the creation of a permanent business manager position. A principal may make the local decision to vary the mix of staff and utilise permanent vacant SAM entitlement funding to create a permanent business manager position. These positions must be declared through an OMSEE notification to SASS Recruitment and will follow this procedure when recruiting to the position.
These positions may be established to best meet the needs of the school in the context of the school plan and principals are to consult with the school community and their director, educational leadership.
The principal must declare the vacancy on OMSEE, noting that the position will be temporarily placed on hold for the current year and then apply recruitment processes for the proposed temporary position.
3.1 School administrative manager levels
The school administrative manager (SAM) classification comprises 4 levels. It is determined by the number of school administrative officers (SAOs) allocated to the school, which is determined by the school’s student enrolment. The level of the SAM at a school may increase or decrease each year depending on the number of students enrolled at the school on census day.
Where the level of a SAM position is increased, one of the following 2 actions will occur:
- if there is a permanent incumbent, that incumbent is directly appointed to the higher level
- if the position is vacant, the position level will be increased. The principal must adjust the incumbent’s payroll schedule if a temporary employee is in the position.
Where the level of a SAM position is decreased, no SAM will move down a level in 2025. Any SAM whose 2025 outcome is to a lower level will be placed on salary maintenance, and the outcome reported to them on the entitlement report will be maintained rather than reported as a lower classification.
School Support Staff Recruitment will still calculate the school’s actual SAM position level for the purposes of recruitment for vacancies and relieving opportunities:
- the incumbent SAM is maintained at the same level under SAM salary maintenance
- if the position is vacant, the level of the position will be maintained at the decreased level
- if there is a temporary employee in the position, the principal must adjust the incumbent’s payroll schedule in SAP.
Note: if a principal has elected to vary the mix of staff and create a business manager position using the SAM FTE, a decrease in SAM entitlement will have an impact on the SAM funding that is being used to fund and maintain the business manager position at the school. If the principal decides to continue with the business manager position, additional funding will need to be provided from school funds.
3.2 Variation in FTE for all SASS classifications
School Support Staff Recruitment reviews and maintains school entitlements based on anticipated and actual student enrolments submitted by schools.
For advice and support for principals on school entitlements for SASS, where there are entitlement variations, refer to Entitlement Advice for Principals (staff only).
4. Applying for new nominated transfers
Permanent SASS employees may be eligible to apply for transfers.
Types of transfers for a SASS employee are nominated, compassionate and resumption of duty. The guidelines for SASS Transfers (staff only) provide advice on the appropriate use of SASS transfer applications. No SASS employee is entitled to be transferred at his or her discretion, and the guideline should be read in that context.
Note: service transfers for SASS employees ceased to be considered from 13 September 2020, as an outcome of the Crown Employees (School Administrative and Support Staff) Award 2022. From 13 September 2020, SASS employees were no longer appointed to vacant permanent positions from the service transfer list.
A nominated transfer status may be granted due to a school closure or amalgamation or a reduction in student numbers, which subsequently results in the entitlement being reduced. An applicant must submit a nominated transfer application:
- if there is a reduction in FTE and the affected employee would like to remain at their current FTE with the department
- where an employee’s position is deleted and the affected employee holds no other permanent SASS position.
Compassionate transfer requests must meet the requirements for exceptional and compelling circumstances to approve the transfer. Applications will be considered a priority and, if approved, remain active unless the circumstances that led to the application change.
SASS Recruitment reviews and determines the outcome of all compassionate transfer applications. Each case and supporting evidence are reviewed to determine if eligibility requirements and thresholds are met, as well as consulting with key stakeholders such as Health and Safety, Professional and Ethical Standards and the relevant director, educational leadership and executive director.
An approved application on compassionate grounds does not guarantee a transfer, as this is subject to a vacancy being available.
SASS employees on approved leave without pay who have lost right of return to their substantive position are required to submit a resumption of duty application.
SASS employees on approved leave without pay have a right of return to their substantive position for a period of 12 months. After 12 months of continuous leave without pay and having discussions with the principal, an employee may lose right of return to their substantive position but hold right of return to the nearest suitable vacancy to their previous school.
There is no timeframe or guarantee of placement into an alternate position following a resumption of duty being activated as this is subject to a vacancy being available.
Note: on being matched to a new position via a transfer application, the employee is expected to enter on duty to the new position on the agreed date.
5. Requesting two adults in small schools supplementation
The sole purpose of the 2 adults in small schools supplementation is to provide a second adult on site to ensure the safety of students. A primary school with 25 students or less may be provided with additional SASS entitlement to ensure 2 adults are on-site during school hours.
For additional supplementation, the principal must submit a request to their director, educational leadership for approval. When the director provides approval, and notifies SASS Recruitment, the additional supplementation will be provided to the school and published on a revised entitlement report. Note: the maximum supplementation provided to a school for this purpose is 0.504 FTE.
A school can request the supplementation at any time of the year if 2 adults are not present during school hours. This includes teaching, non-teaching and SASS employees funded from any source (excluding general assistants).
The 2 adults in small schools supplementation is a SASS entitlement. Any allocation must be used as either SAM (office based) or school learning support officer (classroom based) hours.
Principals are encouraged to contact SASS Recruitment for advice on how this supplement may be implemented at the school.
Record-keeping requirements
Record | Classification | Disposal action |
Records relating to the filling of vacancies. Includes unsuccessful applications for a position or offers of employment which are not accepted. Includes:
GA28 15.10.1 |
Retain minimum of 2 years after recruitment finalised, then destroy |
Records documenting the appointment and subsequent employment history (including separation from the organisation) of successful applicants for a position. Includes:
Note: use this entry for records of training where they relate to occupational health and safety training or where they are required by individual employees as part of employment conditions or to perform their duties. |
GA28 15.4.3 |
Retain minimum of 75 years after date of birth or minimum of 7 years after employment ceases, whichever is longer, then destroy |
Mandatory tools and templates
Supporting tools, resources and related information
- SASS merit selection procedures
- Guidelines for SASS Transfers (staff only)
- Online transfer system
- Determining the Mix of Staff in NSW Public Schools Procedure (DOCX 437 KB)
Long-term temporary expression of interest templates
Policy contact
1300 32 32 32 (options 3, 2, 2)
SASS recruitment, school workforce
1300 32 32 32 (options 3, 2, 2)
The Executive Director, School Workforce monitors the implementation of this procedure, regularly reviews its contents to ensure relevance and accuracy, and updates it as needed.