Carry forward (schools)

This policy was consolidated with the Financial management policy under the 2023 Policy and procedure review program on 20/06/2024.

Refer to the Carry forward (schools) procedures for instructions.

Document history

Version Date Description of changes Approved by
V02.0.0 20/06/2024 Carry forward (schools) policy consolidated with the Financial management policy and removed from the policy library. Chief Financial Officer
V02.0.0 2/11/2023 Streamlined and converted to new template. Chief Financial Officer

2023 Aug 22 updated implementation document, Carry Forward (Schools) Guidelines. Update to items not requiring application for extraordinary circumstances due to introduction of a Term 3 deadline.

2022 Nov 14 - updated the policy and guidelines to improve clarity around requirements and strengthen support for schools. There are no changes to current requirements for schools. The clarifications include that carry forward amounts will be transferred to Fund 6101 and requests for exceptional circumstances will be approved by the Chief Financial Officer. The update also reflects the change in policy ownership to Director, Schools Planning Budgeting and Reporting.

2021 Jul 28 - new implementation document: Carry Forward (Schools) Guidelines.

2021 Apr 22 - New policy

Superseded documents


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