Incident notification and response

This policy was consolidated with the Work health and safety policy under the 2023 Policy and procedure review program on 26/07/2024.

Refer to the Incident notification and response procedures for instructions.

Document history

2024 Jul 26 – Incident notification and response policy consolidated with the Work health and safety policy and removed from the policy library. Approved by the Executive Director, Health Safety and Staff Wellbeing.

The department has revised the Incident Notification and Response Policy in line with statutory requirements and following extensive consultation. The revised policy provides additional clarity on incident notification and response requirements.

The updated Incident Notification and Response Policy and Procedures replace the Incident Reporting Policy and Incident Reporting Procedures. They provide advice about the importance of incident notification and response, including early intervention and timely management and the range of support available following an incident.

Superseded documents

Incident Reporting Policy 2014
Incident Reporting Procedures 2014
Incident Notification and Response Policy 2017

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