Student counselling records and psychological tests

This policy was consolidated with the Student health and wellbeing policy under the 2023 Policy and procedure review program on 21/06/2024.

Document history

2024 June 21 - Student counselling records and psychological tests policy consolidated with the Student health and wellbeing policy and removed from the policy library. Approved by the Executive Director, Inclusion and Wellbeing.

2021 Aug 27 - Student Counselling Files and Psychological Tests policies consolidated - updated policy statement to reflect change. No changes to policy intent and implementation for either policy. Consolidation brings both policies together to make it easier to access the information.

2020 Jul 15 - update to contact details, text and style.

The name has been changed from Registered Guidance Files to Student Counselling Files.

All records kept by school counsellors, including case notes, are now maintained on a student counselling file.

The principal is now responsible for ensuring that student counselling files can be stored securely and that access to the student counselling file is restricted to members of the school counselling service.

There is an additional requirement that the school counsellor will pass on information to the principal where there is a legal or departmental requirement to disclose information or where one or more individuals may experience serious harm if someone with the power to act is not informed. These situations may include but are not limited to suspected child abuse or neglect, pregnancy of a student under 16 years of age, the student having a history of violent behaviour, improper conduct by a school staff member and use/and or possession of illegal substances. Information must be sufficient to inform action whilst maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive detail.

Superseded documents - Student Counselling Files policy

Access to Registered Guidance Files 91/150 (S.097)

Document history - Psychological Tests policy

4 Sep 2019 - made typographical changes and updated contact details to policy statement

The four policies have been consolidated into one policy.

Superseded documents - Psychological Tests policy

Administration of Individual Psychological Tests G/3578
Unauthorised use of Psychological Tests 1984
Unauthorised use of Psychological Tests A 1984
Unauthorised use of Psychological Tests B 1987

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