Reporting school accidents

This policy was consolidated with the Work health and safety policy under the 2023 Policy and procedure review program on 26/07/2024.

Refer to the Incident notification and response procedures for instructions.

Document history

2024 Jul 26 – Reporting school accidents policy consolidated with the Work health and safety policy and removed from the policy library. Approved by the Executive Director, Health Safety and Staff Wellbeing.

2023 Jul 03 - updated contact details in policy statement.

2020 Jul 30 - updated contact details in policy statement.

PD20020064/04 - revised the sections relating to legal professional privilege to indicate that privilege may apply.

PD20020064/03 - included a section dealing with apologies. Included a section dealing with preparing individual school accident report procedures.

Superseded documents

Teachers Handbook section 3.2.1
Devolution of Decision Making to Schools Memorandum to Principals 91/020 dated 11 February 1991 (in so far as it relates to Accident Reports re Children)
Reporting School Accidents Dec 2002

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