Talent shines bright as dancers take centre stage

Asquith Girls High student Vaishnavi Rajmohan Suganyadevi reflects on the school’s extraordinary 2024 dance event.

Dancers on a stage. Dancers on a stage.
Image: The Year 7 dance company on stage at The Concourse theatre in Chatswood.

What a way to start an extremely busy term at Asquith Girls High School.

More than 150 dance students from Asquith Girls journeyed to The Concourse theatre at Chatswood to perform after weeks and weeks of rehearsals. Most mornings, rehearsals started at 7am.

The hard work and effort was on show with family and friends selling out the 500-seat theatre to watch the spectacular performance.

Principal Elizabeth Amvrazis commented on how impressed she was by the performance.

Two dancers on a stage reaching for one another. Two dancers on a stage reaching for one another.
Image: Year 11 dance students performing.

All six of the school’s co-curricular dance companies, curriculum dance classes from years 8 to 12 and the Year 12 HSC cohort dazzled the audience with their performances.

There were a range of different dance styles, from modern contemporary, to musical theatre, and even classical ballet.

The works showcased the dancers’ technical skills and execution, along with interesting themes and concepts.

One group’s theme explored overuse of technology, while other groups executed technical dances with playfulness and bouncy light-heartedness.

The mixing and matching showcased the outside-the-box thinking of the students.

A lot of time and effort was also spent by the Year 12 students in composing their HSC dances, which centred on specific concepts, from world events to emotions.

A dancer leaping across the stage. A dancer leaping across the stage.
Image: Year 12 HSC dance student performing her major work.

A huge thank you and shout out to Danielle Barsi and other dance tutors who organised the event.

We would not have witnessed such a spectacle without these teachers.

This kind of event helps showcase the way that we, as young women, can pursue our passions with the support of our school’s dedicated approach to education.

Students came back weary and tired, but true talent can only shine bright if we work towards it.

I felt great pride in being a part of a school that champions the performing arts.

This was a great showcase for the audience to enjoy, and a giant effort by the students of Asquith Girls High School.

A group of dancers on stage. A group of dancers on stage.
Image: The Year 10 dance elective musical theatre performance.
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