TAFE to provide free professional learning for early years educators
The professional learning will be available to all early childhood educators that work or live in NSW.
13 September 2024

The NSW Department of Education is partnering with TAFE NSW to deliver a $10 million Early Childhood Professional Learning Program, providing NSW early childhood educators and teachers with fully subsidised professional learning.
This landmark investment is a key election commitment by the NSW Government that aims to address workforce burnout and support retention. It will ensure the early childhood workforce has access to fully subsidised professional learning to enhance skills and knowledge, so all children get a strong start in life and learning.
Professional learning will be open to all Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) educators and teachers that work at a service or live in NSW.
The first phase of the program is expected to launch in Spring 2024 with a series of short online microskills and webinars designed by sector experts. These short courses will be free, self-paced and available through TAFE NSW’s online learning platform.
The second phase will deliver a leadership development program that aims to increase workforce retention by supporting early childhood education and care professionals to thrive as leaders.
The program will include tailored offerings for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders, and those working in rural and regional areas of NSW. It will be offered through a combination of online learning and face-to-face sessions to be rolled out in 2025.
Applications will be open next year to educators and teachers who want to strengthen their leadership capabilities.
TAFE NSW is seeking sector representatives to help design and deliver the professional learning program to ensure it is informed by evidence, best practice, and is responsive to skills needs.
The professional learning program builds on TAFE NSW’s commitment to train early childhood educators, care educators and teachers using Vocational Education and Training and Higher Education qualifications.
To express interest and for more information, visit the TAFE NSW website.
Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car said:
“The NSW Government is committed to maintaining and retaining this highly skilled and valued workforce, and fee-free professional development is one of the ways we are doing this.
“There is clear evidence about the benefits of investing in early education for our children, families and communities. A strong early education can be life-changing.
“TAFE NSW is well placed to support our early childhood educators and teachers to deepen their practice, advance their careers and support our youngest learners.”
Minister for Skills, TAFE and Tertiary Education, Steve Whan said:
“As the state with the largest early childhood education and care workforce in Australia, it’s vital for NSW to build and maintain a steady pipeline of workers for the sector.
“We know that the first five years of a child’s life are pivotal in their learning and development, and early childhood educators play a crucial role in nurturing a lifelong love of learning.
“TAFE NSW is working closely with the early childhood education and care sector to ensure these training programs meet the skills needs of the sector, now and into the future.”
- Ministerial media releases