School formals to go ahead
Year 12 students across NSW will be able to celebrate finishing school with COVID-19 safe graduation ceremonies and formals being allowed to take place during Term 4.
07 September 2020

Premier Gladys Berejiklian said Year 12 students have shown incredible resilience during the pandemic and deserved to celebrate an important life milestone.
“We will always rely on the health advice, which recommends COVID safe formals and graduation ceremonies take place from 12 November after the final HSC exam,” Ms Berejiklian said.
“Students are currently preparing for the HSC and deserve to have events to look forward to after their exams.”
Schools across NSW will receive the COVID-19 safety plan guidance for Year 12 graduations and school formals by 11 September.
Minister for Education Sarah Mitchell said Year 12 students have been working incredibly hard under difficult circumstances.
“Last week I made it clear that I wanted to find a way to allow students to celebrate the end of their schooling and I’m thrilled that this is now a reality,” Ms Mitchell said.
“Schools will be able to use the guidance provided by Health to develop a COVID-19 safe plan for their celebrations. I know that students will be excited to have their formals as something they can look forward to after their exams.”
Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant said it is important the events take place after HSC exams to reduce the risk of COVID-19 impacting on exams or preparations.
Year 12 students requiring a COVID-19 test should tell their GP or testing clinic they are currently doing their HSC. This will ensure their test results are prioritised, minimising any disruption to their schooling and study.
The NSW Government will also provide COVID safe guidance to students wanting to participate in schoolies under the current restrictions and health advice.
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