Quality Teaching Rounds launches online platform

Accessing quality teacher professional development is now easier with the launch of a new online academy.

Image: Public school teachers can take advantage of free access to quality professional development resources.

A new online platform has recently launched for teachers to source quality professional learning to help enrich student learning and improve teaching quality.

The Quality Teaching AcademyExternal link from the University of Newcastle offers a range of evidence-based professional development for teachers, including their flagship Quality Teaching Rounds program.

The platform launch follows a long term partnership between the department and the university’s Teachers and Teaching Research Centre, and will support a community of teachers through a shared vision of quality teaching for every student.

Research recently releasedExternal link by the university shows the Quality Teaching Rounds professional development has increased student learning outcomes by 25 percent in mathematics – the equivalent to two months additional learning over an eight-month intervention period.

The findings build on earlier research demonstrating the positive impact participation in Quality Teaching Rounds can have on teacher morale, school culture and teaching quality.

Staff in NSW public schools can take advantage of the new online platform with access to free membershipExternal link to the academy which includes webinars, the latest research, comprehensive digital resources, as well as support from the department’s four Quality Teaching Rounds advisors.

Until April next year, department staff can also upgrade to full membership for a reduced fee to access discounts on other professional development courses and events.

Quality Teaching Rounds is supported by the department as a research-based professional learning program that makes a significant different to teacher and student outcomes.

Department funded places in a Quality Teaching Rounds foundational workshop is available for two staff members from every public school.

Visit the Quality Teaching AcademyExternal link for more information.

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