Planning gets underway for new Medowie high school
An Expression of Interest process to locate the most appropriate site for a new public high school in Medowie is underway.
21 July 2023

The NSW Government has taken an important step in the planning for a public high school in Medowie, opening an Expression of Interest (EOI) process to locate the most appropriate site for the school.
The EOI campaign launches today and will close on the 30th of August 2023. Local landholders will have an opportunity to put forward possible locations for the high school, in addition to the land on Ferodale Road currently owned by the Department of Education.
The Medowie community has been waiting decades for a high school and this announcement goes a long way in making it a reality.
Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car and Member for Port Stephens Kate Washington today visited Medowie Public School to outline the next steps for the community’s new high school.
The site selection process is underway, which considers a range of factors, including site size, location, environmental reports, and travel considerations for the future school community.
After the site is determined, the project will progress to master planning, concept design, and community and stakeholder engagement planning stages.
The new high school at Medowie will provide modern flexible classrooms, a library, school hall, outdoor play and sports areas and administration space to support the growing community.
It is one of multiple major school projects currently in progress in the Hunter region to accommodate expected population growth in the area.
Upgrades are being delivered at Hunter River High School, Irrawang High School and Muswellbrook South Public School. Planning is underway for the new Newcastle Education Campus and the redevelopment of Gillieston Public School, as well as a new public school and high school in Huntlee.
Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car said:
“I’m excited to announce that the process to identify a suitable site for this much-needed new high school is underway. It is important that we explore all options to ensure we choose the best possible site for future students.
“The new school will mean families can be assured their children will have a place at a local public school. Students will have a shorter, easier daily commute. Most importantly, a new connected school community will be able to grow and thrive in Medowie.
"The Hunter is one of the fastest growing regions in New South Wales, and the work and planning we are doing is vital to support the current and future needs of students in the community.”
Member for Port Stephens Kate Washington said:
“Our community has been waiting a very long time for this day, and it has finally arrived.”
“This is the first step in delivering a public high school in Medowie, which we all know is desperately needed and long overdue.
“The Minns Labor Government was only formed four months ago, and we’re already getting on with the job of delivering for our community here in Port Stephens.”
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