Kincumber High non-operational Wednesday 1 April

Kincumber High School will be non-operational on Wednesday 1 April 2020 due to a student of the school returning a positive test for COVID-19.

The school is working closely with NSW Health to assist them to conduct their contact tracing process. In accordance with advice from NSW Health, all staff and students are asked to self-isolate until the contact tracing process has been completed.

Staff and students who are identified as a ‘close contact’ of the person who returned a positive test, will be advised tomorrow 1 April 2020 and will be asked to self-isolate for the required period of time.

We will be in contact with the school community again tomorrow 1 April 2020 in regard to the resumption of school operations.

The department has set up educational provisions to help students learn at home. All students, whether they are on or off campus, will continue to learn and will be provided with the same tasks to complete.

The safety and wellbeing of our students is of paramount importance to us at all times. As such, we will continue to work closely with NSW Health to ensure that all necessary health advice is followed closely.

Further information on COVID-19 is available from NSW HealthExternal link.

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