Honouring those who went to war

Anzac Day tributes start early with the annual Schools Remember Commemoration today in Hyde Park. Linda Doherty reports.

A split image of two artworks. The first a horse surrounded by poppies. The second an eye with tears. A split image of two artworks. The first a horse surrounded by poppies. The second an eye with tears.
Image: From left, 'Memories not to be forgotten' by Manasa Balasubramanian Ramya, Year 7, Penrith High School, and 'Tears of Remembrance' by Abeer Dubey, Year 9, Arthur Phillip High School, were chosen as finalists in the art competition.

Sydney’s Hyde Park will be filled with 500 students from 100 NSW schools at the annual RSL and Schools Remember ANZAC Commemoration.

The commemoration, which honours the service and sacrifice of Australians who served in wars and conflicts, is conducted entirely by students, from the Master of Ceremonies to the keynote speaker, the readings, and the musical accompaniment.

NSW Department of Education Secretary Murat Dizdar will attend the 71st commemoration event and congratulated the students from government and non-government schools participating in the service.

“It’s wonderful to see our young people of today pay tribute to the young people of previous generations,” he said.

“Remembering the service of our men and women who fought in all wars and conflicts has a profound effect on students’ learning.”

The Honourable Andrew Bell, NSW Lieutenant Governor, representing the Governor of NSW, Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley, will lead the official party comprising NSW RSL president Mick Bainbridge, parliamentary secretary Greg Warren, representing the Minister for Education and Early Learning, Prue Car, and leaders of the three education sectors in NSW.

Public school students with roles in the commemoration include MC Olivia Wright from Hurlstone Agricultural High School and Bugler Harry Kane from Newtown High School of the Performing Arts, who will play ‘The Last Post’.

The NSW Public Schools Junior Singers and NSW Public Schools Symphonic Wind Orchestra, coordinated by The Arts Unit, will perform ‘Advance Australia Fair’, ‘God Defend New Zealand’ and ‘Abide with Me’.

The RSL and Schools Remember ANZAC Commemoration now includes an annual art competition to educate and inspire school students across the state to learn about Australia’s military history and understand the significance of commemorations.

The artwork of the 10 finalists from the 2024 competition will be on display at the Anzac Memorial in Hyde Park throughout April.

The public school finalists are Ellie Reid, Year 5, Wauchope Public School; Eden Kentwell, Year 6, Pitt Town Public School; Manasa Balasubramanian Ramya, Year 7, Penrith High School; and Abeer Dubey, Year 9, Arthur Phillip High School.

RSL NSW President Mick Bainbridge said the collaboration between RSL NSW, the Department, Catholic Schools NSW, and the Association of Independent Schools of NSW would build a greater understanding and appreciation by young people of the service and sacrifice of those who served to protect our freedom.

“This art competition is a great way for school students to reflect and learn about Australia’s military history by tapping into their imagination and creativity,” he said.

“RSL NSW takes great pride in preserving the memory of all those who have served their country and I commend the students and teachers in schools across NSW for the hard work and passion that has gone into such high-quality commemorative artworks.”

The RSL and Schools Remember ANZAC Commemoration was first held in 1953, co-hosted by RSL NSW and the Department of Education. Over the years the service has expanded to Catholic Schools NSW and the Association of Independent Schools NSW.

A split image of two artworks. The first featuring a soldier saluting and the second a cross with a slouch hat and poppies. A split image of two artworks. The first featuring a soldier saluting and the second a cross with a slouch hat and poppies.
Image: From left, 'To Serve, Protect and Prosper' by Ellie Reid, Year 5, Wauchope Public School, and 'The Last Hat' by Eden Kentwell, Year 6, Pitt Town Public School, were among the public school finalists in the art competition.
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