Health and hygiene advice to schools
The department has provided advice to schools on health and hygiene practices in schools to limit the spread of germs, including viruses, in our school communities.
18 March 2020

Cleaning and hygiene actions
- Enhanced cleaning will take place in all schools from 18 March 2020.
- We will continue to be in regular contact with all principals to understand current levels of supplies of soap and hygiene products.
- All schools will receive additional provisions of soap and hygiene supplies, such as hand sanitiser.
Tidy surfaces for effective cleaning
To allow effective cleaning in our schools, we have asked staff to tidy workspaces and high traffic surfaces in learning spaces and staff areas.
- Store all loose items off the floor level (where possible), including around desks and in non-teaching spaces.
- Desks, worktables, and work benches must be clear of all paper, resources, equipment etc. This includes non-teaching spaces. Items such as telephones, computer equipment are not considered as obstructions and do not need to be removed.
- All loose student work, art materials and resources that are normally stored on furniture in learning spaces should be stored in student tote trays and storage cupboards.
- All sinks, troughs and workbenches in industrial arts and lab areas need to be clear of materials, resources and hazards to ensure cleaners can access these spaces.
- Staffrooms - clear away all crockery, resources (including books and papers) and any food materials from all surfaces.
Help manage the spread of the virus
- Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly.
- Sneeze into your elbow or a tissue, disposing of the tissue straight away and then washing your hands.
- Stay home if you are unwell and in schools, send home staff or students who show signs of being unwell through the day.
- Announcements