Final schools become NSW Ambassador Schools

Four more NSW Schools with an "X factor" that drives academic success have joined the Ambassador Schools program

Image: Students from 'X factor' Mathoura Public School in the school garden

The drive to lift school standards and student success across NSW schools has taken another big step with the selection of the final four Ambassador Schools.

The ground-breaking Ambassador Schools program identifies schools achieving exceptional academic success, so their methods can be studied and applied to other schools across the state.

Minister for Education and Early Learning, Sarah Mitchell, said she welcomed with great pride Cabramatta High School, Charlestown South Public School, Mathoura Public School and Winmalee Public School as the final four Ambassador Schools.

“These schools have the X-factor, they are achieved outstanding academic results well above the performance of other schools in similar circumstances,” Ms Mitchell said.

“We will follow the success of these schools, research how they’re achieving their excellent results and learn how we can use their examples to lift student outcomes everywhere.”

The 10 NSW Ambassador Schools are:

  • Auburn North Public School
  • Bonnyrigg Heights Public School
  • Cabramatta High School
  • Charlestown South Public School
  • Fairvale High School
  • Huntington Public School
  • Macarthur Girls High School
  • Mathoura Public School
  • Millthorpe Public School
  • Winmalee Public School
Image: Charlestown South Public Schools students happy to be academic Ambassadors

Ambassador Schools have been selected on the basis of high performance compared to similar schools across a range of measures in line with the School Success Model, such as NAPLAN reading and numeracy targets, expected growth, attendance and HSC performance.

The Ambassador Schools Research Centre has been established with university partners to build a robust evidence base of effective practices at the ten schools, so they can be scaled across NSW.

“The Ambassador Schools Program is a central plank of the NSW Government’s School Success Model – our plan to lift student success by equipping every school with targeted support to improve primary and secondary education across the state,” Ms Mitchell said.

Research into the effective practices of Ambassador Schools is scheduled to commence early this year and is expected to continue until 2024.

Kate Ford, Principal at Winmalee Public School said the school was looking forward to sharing insights into its effective practices through the Ambassador Schools Program.

“Teachers at Winmalee Public School have a strong focus on enhancing best practice and also a strong and relentless focus on student improvement.”

Lachlan Erskine, Principal at Cabramatta High School, said the school’s diverse community – with 52 different languages spoken at home – is celebrated through a culture of inclusivity, high expectations and educational excellence.

“Our students are supported to achieve their personal best in a positive and engaging learning environment where they are known, valued and cared for.”

Mathoura Public School Principal Janice Eddy said key to its success was students being at the forefront of every decision made at the school.

“All students have individual learning goals and students can articulate what they are currently working towards achieving, and they receive quality feedback based on their progress towards their learning goals.”

Charlestown South Public School Principal Colin Johnson said the school was built on a foundation of high expectations, quality relationships and a drive and passion for student wellbeing and engagement.

“We consider it an absolute privilege and honour to serve our students, families and community and believe wholeheartedly, that every child can be a successful learner.”

*Watch videos of Cabramatta High School and Charlestown South Public School

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