Evidence for new literacy and numeracy approach
A new study underpins the importance of instructional leaders in improving academic results.
24 May 2022

The importance of the NSW Government’s $249 million investment in 1,300 literacy and numeracy experts in public schools across the State has been confirmed by a research report released today by the University of Technology Sydney.
Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning Sarah Mitchell said the evaluation of the Literacy and Numeracy Action Plan had led to a significant shift in direction for NSW schools.
“This research report was pivotal in shaping our current education policy, which is embedding literacy and numeracy in all aspects of learning, rather than a stand-alone approach,” Ms Mitchell said.
“While the report found that instructional leaders, robust system support and quality professional learning significantly improve the capacity of teachers to support the learning needs of students, it also showed us that more needed to be done to clarify the role of instructional leaders.
“The NSW Government is committed to making evidence-based decisions, and if that means we need to change our approach or update our policy, we will do that.
“Earlier this year we created 1,300 Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Instruction roles with clearly defined responsibility and strengthened system oversight through the establishment of the School Success Model, which is providing targeted and tiered support to every school.
“Nine hundred and fifty of the roles have already been filled and are on the ground in our schools driving the refocus of teaching and learning on our students’ literacy and numeracy after two and half years of disruption due to COVID-19.
“Results from the popular check-in assessments in reading and numeracy are also being used to help schools adjust the approach to teaching and learning, as well as guide the Department of Education on where more systemic support is needed.”
The integrated approach to literacy and numeracy in NSW schools will support the implementation of the new Kindergarten to Year 2 English and mathematics syllabuses, which will be mandatory from next year.
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