COVID-19 and public schools in NSW
Find out how you can keep up to date, engage best practice hygiene, and about learning continuity in the case of non-operational schools
14 March 2020

Communication during COVID-19
You can follow updates on novel coronavirus (COVID-19) using a number of channels. As always, your school will be the primary source of information relating to COVID-19 and your specific school.
Keep updated
- Visit our COVID-19 page for all the latest updates from the department including temporarily non-operational schools, as well as current advice from NSW Health and the Australian Government.
- Download our NSW School Updates app to get alerts straight to your phone.
- Our School safety page provides all the latest updates on any schools that have temporarily ceased operations.
- Join the department's FacebookExternal link page.
- Join your school's Facebook page and follow their website.
Health advice for our schools
The best way to protect yourself from COVID-19 is the same way you would protect yourself from catching flu or other respiratory illnesses.
1. Wash your hands
Clean your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based sanitiser with at least 60% alcohol.
- Helpful hygiene heroes Piper and Hunter are here to teach you how to wash your handsExternal link.
2. Cough etiquette
Cover your sneeze or cough with your elbow or with a tissue (and dispose of it immediately). Avoid close contact with people who are ill. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
3. Stay home if you are sick
If your child is unwell with a respiratory illness they should remain at home until symptoms clear up.
More information from NSW Health
- COVID-19 resourcesExternal link - all the latest updates from NSW Health.
- COVID-19 resources in different languagesExternal link - includes posters, fact sheets and FAQs in several languages.
Learning at home
The department has contingencies in place to deliver distance learning options using existing platforms and strategies. Our remote strategies are designed to enhance connections during these challenging times and ensure continued access to quality education.
Routine communication methods such as email, phone and social media will also keep students and families informed. Students in Year 11 and 12 will be given access to a range of additional teaching and learning resources.
For parents and carers, supporting their child to learn at home will be a new experience. We have developed a range of resources to support them to plan and monitor their child's learning throughout the day.
The safety and wellbeing of our teachers and students are our key priorities and our solutions will evolve around them.
More information on learning from home
- Visit our continuity of education page for more information on distance learning.
- Our Digital Learning Selector can provide your child with online learning tools and information to help them smoothly navigate this journey.
- Announcements