Best in class team achieving top grades
A strike force of exceptional teachers is supporting schools to improve student performance.
04 March 2021

A pioneering teaching program is proving to be a great success, reaching more schools than ever before and receiving great feedback in the process.
Minister for Education Sarah Mitchell said all of the 66 positions in the expanded Best in Class team had been filled and the expert teachers had been busy working with schools across the state.
“Amazingly, the team have already been able to support more than two-thirds of NSW high schools, helping to lift student performance using proven and successful teaching methods,” Ms Mitchell said.
“So far, the team has been able to help 1585 teachers ensuring students have benefited from the program.”
“Everything we are doing in education is about our students. It’s about using best practice, supported by the evidence, to lift outcomes for our students,” Ms Mitchell said.
“Confident and effective teachers are crucial to improved student outcomes. Ninety-eight per cent of teachers supported through professional learning delivered by the Best in Class team indicated they intend to use the evidence-based practices in their classroom.
“The team are supporting both metro and regional schools, helping us build a stronger and safer regional NSW.”
The Best in Class team of teachers initially did an excellent job supporting teachers during the pandemic, offering high-quality professional support and teaching materials online to HSC teachers.
The teaching team is now supporting teachers in a range of streams including HSC, curriculum delivery, maths growth, writing and school communities.
The team is on track to support all high schools in NSW by the end of 2021.
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