Curriculum and policy monitoring (CPM)
Curriculum and policy monitoring (CPM) meetings are an internal assurance process for the department regarding the implementation of policy and curriculum in a sample of schools. CPM looks at compliance within a school improvement context and provides opportunities for professional dialogue and sharing amongst schools.
Curriculum and policy monitoring meetings are the department's way of ensuring it meets the requirements for registration of the government schooling system.
Meetings involve two schools and are hosted by the DEL, with discussion led by a facilitator. Schools discuss their implementation of selected curriculum and policy areas through representative samples of existing evidence within the school.
The meetings are a positive experience for all involved and assist in each school’s improvement journey in support of our commitment to ensure consistent learning outcomes for every student in every NSW classroom.
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Purpose of CPM meetings
CPM meetings allow the department to meet the requirement to monitor policy and curriculum implementation.
CPM meetings:
- help ensure the implementation of policy and curriculum in schools
- locate externally mandated compliance within a school improvement context
- provide opportunities for professional dialogue and sharing amongst schools
- reinforce a culture which demonstrates quality internal assurance processes at all levels
- ensure that student learning and well-being remains at the centre of schools.
Selection of schools
The school selection process allows for a sample consistent with diversity of NSW schools.
All meetings involve two schools. Both schools share the same focus KLA and stage for the meeting.
Some meetings involve schools paired across networks. Schools with particular circumstances such as Distance Education, Boarding Schools or Schools for Specific Purposes, are usually paired with like schools outside of their principal network to allow for more targeted dialogue around context.
Schools selected for CPM meetings, which are held during Terms 2 and 3 each year, will be notified during Term 4 of the previous year and training will be provided during Term 1.
Focus areas
Meetings have a curriculum and policy component. The requirements which schools address are outlined within the CPM SPaRO module and the relevant Curriculum and Policy Requirement Guides. The Registration Process for the NSW Government Schooling System Manual provides the requirements for curriculum and policy implementation underpinning CPM.
Each CPM meeting will focus on a specific key learning area (KLA) and stage as well as a small number of policy implementation areas.
Generally, the department follows the pattern of focus areas identified in NESA’s 5 year plan. The department may vary this schedule if additional areas are identified as risks or strategic priorities.
In 2025 the focus areas are:
Focus area A - B4 Curriculum Requirements
- English
Focus area B - Policy Requirements
- B3.1 Teaching staff
- B7 Enrolment and attendance
Evidence and discussion
Schools upload evidence into School Planning and Reporting Online (SPaRO).
There are specific guidelines for evidence selection including limiting the number of required documents, using documents from the current calendar year and ensuring that the documentation is drawn from the everyday operation of the school and not produced specifically for the meeting. These guidelines are articulated to participating schools during CPM training.
Discussion during the meetings allows for schools to present their evidence in light of their school context. All members of the school team are able to contribute to the discussion regarding the planning and implementation of policy, including teaching and learning at a whole school, stage and classroom level.
Online CPM meetings
- Schools collect evidence to demonstrate how they meet the registration requirements for the curriculum and policy focus areas and prepare discussion for the meeting.
- Schools self-assess against each requirement.
- Trained facilitators review the evidence to determine validation of compliance with the requirements and prepare clarifying questions and discussion for the meeting.
- Pairs of ‘like’ schools present how they meet each requirement within their context and participate in guided discussions led by the facilitator.
- Directors, Educational Leadership (DELs) host the meetings and provide advice and feedback when needed.
- The facilitators make recommendations based on the evidence provided and discussion during the meeting to inform the report.
- The DEL uses the recommendations to finalise the report.
Roles and responsibilities
- DELs host and lead CPM meetings within their principal networks.
- The DEL:
- ensures schools are prepared and that the submission is finalised at least two weeks prior to the meeting
- commences the meeting with an acknowledgement of country and introduction of attendees
- observes and monitors the discussions between schools, and contributes feedback and advice when required
- reviews the CPM summary report and makes any required adjustments in consultation with SSI
- collaborates with the school principal in finalising any required actions and timeframes
- confirms the report in SPaRO after the principal also confirms
- works with schools to address any recommendations identified in the report.
- Facilitators:
- review the evidence
- ask clarifying questions if required
- lead discussion focusing on school improvement
- evaluate whether schools have demonstrated that they meet requirements
- complete recommendations on the CPM summary report, including identifying areas requiring DEL follow up.
Up to 3 school staff members can attend the CPM meeting (the principal and 2 others). Staff members may include members of the senior executive, head teachers, assistant principals, stage coordinators or classroom practitioners.
Schools will complete a submission in the School Planning and Reporting Online (SPaRO) tool at least 2 weeks before the meeting.
This submission includes:
- Entering the names of staff attending the meeting.
- Uploading supporting evidence.
- Completing a self-assessment for each requirement.
- The principal will lead the school team and support discussions, and provide insights at an operational level.
- As part of the discussion, schools will demonstrate compliance with requirements through evidence collected as part of the everyday operation of the school, and are encouraged to provide context regarding their evidence.
- As part of the discussion, schools will share ideas with each other and provide feedback to enable the identification of areas of improvement.
The SSI team will:
- confirm schedule, meeting dates and send meeting invitations
- support schools and Directors, Educational Leadership throughout the process including providing targeted training and individualised contact
- cross-reference CPM identified schools with schools identified for external validation to ensure no school is selected to complete both during the same year.
- run the meeting by showing the relevant slides, introducing each agenda item and assisting schools and facilitators to stay aligned to the agenda
- display relevant school evidence during the meeting, as schools present.
Nominating as a CPM facilitator
CPM meeting facilitators are drawn from existing principals, deputy principals, head teachers, assistant principals, assistant principal curriculum and instruction(ACPI), or staff with a leadership role in curriculum delivery, such as a stage or faculty leader, instructional leader or teacher mentor.
Non School Based Teachers (NSBTs) are also encouraged to apply.
Training for facilitators occurs during Term 1 of each year with applicants supporting meetings during Terms 2 and 3.
Find out more including how to self-nominate, on the CPM meeting nominations webpage.
Professional learning and resources
Each year, schools selected for CPM, Directors, Educational Leadership and staff nominating as facilitators are provided targeted training and supporting resources.
To better understand the requirements and expectations for school registration, schools are encouraged to participate each year in the Primary Curriculum Self-assessment (PCS) or the RoSA Curriculum Self-assessment (RoSA CS) for Years 7-10.
Learn more
Email the Strategic School Improvement team at
or call 02 7814 3853 with enquiries.