Processing speed
Use inclusive teaching and learning strategies to support students with processing speed in the classroom.
About processing speed
Processing speed is how quickly you can take in and understand information, and respond to that information. Processing speed does not refer to how ‘smart’ a student is – it is about how quickly they can process and respond to verbal or visual information.
Students with disability may tend to take longer than other students to respond to instructions, or to complete tasks (including tasks they know well). They might not always keep up with class discussions, and they may struggle with time management.
Some students may also experience
anxiety related to not being able to think and respond quickly, and this anxiety can then cause further challenges for their ability to process information.

School Excellence Framework alignment
Wellbeing, Effective classroom practice
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers alignment
Standard 1: Know students and how they learn
Primary teachers
This resource includes a range of strategies for teachers to consider the processing speed of students. Including: Evidence-based practice, best practice tips and other considerations.
November 2021. Share your feedback here