Evidence-based strategies for autism

Evidence-based strategies are those that have been evaluated by researchers within school settings, and found to be effective.

Work collaboratively

Provide lots of opportunities for students to work together

Students with and without autism can get to know each other and build friendships through working together. Students can also learn through watching others.

Consider ways in which you can facilitate a student’s interactions with others in a group.

Read more about guiding students to balance their own workload when supporting a peer. 

When appropriate, give individualised tasks

Consider giving specific roles or tasks to students in a group if a student on the autism spectrum is working with tailored materials or instructions.

You could also select a student in a group to be a tutor or mentor. 

Students working together.

Adapt activities to be as inclusive as possible

Plan tasks that are multi-modal 

Where you can, use concrete materials, and provide pictures showing how to complete a task, rather than using abstract concepts or verbal instructions.

Provide lots of opportunities to practise

Students may need to practise a task or behaviour many times

Lots of time to practise in different settings and with different materials can help students learn to use that skill in other situations. 

Offer fewer tasks with more opportunities to practise

This helps students to learn tasks and may be more helpful than offering many tasks with little opportunity to practise. 

When a task is new, students will learn best with support

Provide them with help (for example, prompts, demonstrations, or encouragement). This can be gradually reduced as they become more capable.

Graduated prompting can be particularly helpful.