Other considerations for specific learning difficulty


A student who experiences challenges with reading, writing or mathematics may benefit from supports when moving across education settings.

Making clear links to what will be similar may reduce anxiety. Consider telling students what will be the same so that they know they already have some of the skills they will need.

It may be helpful to teach and practise organisation and homework skills, and time- and self- management skills.

For more information about supporting students with disability when transitioning to a primary or high school setting access our transition page.

English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D)

Students who experience difficulties in reading or writing who are also learning English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D) may find written tasks challenging.

This may be even more difficult for students who have been taught reading or writing in a language that does not use a phonetic alphabet (for example, Chinese characters).

These students will require extra support and time.


Some students might also engage in behaviours of concern. It’s important to remember students are most likely trying to communicate a need or want that is not being met.

Refer to the behaviour page for more information on how to reduce behaviours of concern by supporting the student and promoting more helpful behaviour. Access our emotions page for more information about supporting a student with managing their emotions.


A student who experiences difficulties in their learning may need support with friendship dynamics and feeling different.

Access our school stories for more tips to help students learn about school and learn positive ways to respond to new situations.

Other co-occuring conditions

 Some students may also experience attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), difficulties with hearing, communication or anxiety.

Refer to understanding disability page or common needs page to help support the student.