Best practice tips for physical disability

Best practice tips are strategies that have been evaluated in other settings, target a relevant factor (such as a teaching style that lowers student anxiety), or is considered best practice by experts in the field.

Promote independence

When possible, allow the student to choose what they would like to do when choosing different mediums for a particular task.
Encourage staff to give students space to explore or learn independently or with other students.
This will help to encourage social interactions with peers (for example, during recess or on the playground). 

Engage the student in decision making

In addition to collaboration with parents or carers and health professionals, provide opportunities for the student to participate when making decisions about their learning needs and goals.

Consider whether the physical space needs to be rearranged

Check that pathways are free, wide enough, and neat so that all students can move easily and without risk of injury. If a table is used for activities, check that it has plenty of room underneath it for the student to sit comfortably and participate. 
That student can move easily and without risk of injury. If a table is used for activities, check that it has plenty of room underneath it for the student to sit comfortably and participate.

Consider pairing the student with a buddy

This could be helpful both in and out of the classroom. For example, the student’s buddy can assist with note taking if needed, and can help with social interactions.