Best practice tips for autism

Best practice tips are strategies that have been evaluated in other settings, target a relevant factor (such as a teaching style that lowers student anxiety), or are considered best practice by experts in the field.

Provide a safe space

Consider providing a quiet area that a student on the autism spectrum can access to support them if they feel overwhelmed.

Support students to learn social behaviours

Consider prompting students to use social behaviours, such as asking another student to play, share, or wait their turn.

Minimise background noise and distractions while giving instructions

This can help all students hear and focus. You might need to face the group away from distractions behind you.

Allow the use of noise-reducing headphones

Noise-reducing headphones may help a student if they find the classroom or playground too loud.

Ask how to help

Talk to parents or carers and the student’s support team to find out the best way to work with and support the student. Parents or carers can help you understand a student’s unique strengths and areas they need more help. 

Schools need to work in partnership with parents or carers to achieve the best outcomes for every student.

To start the discussion, you could ask parents or carers to complete our strengths and abilities communication checklist.