NESA case study: Statistics and probability (chance)
The Year 4 class teacher is planning a unit of work for the Statistics and Probability Strand (Substrand: Chance). In developing a whole class program to meet the learning needs of all students, the teacher needs to consider the particular learning needs of one student, Emma.
Emma has moderate hearing loss and wears hearing aids for both ears. She communicates orally and requires support to regulate her speaking volume. Emma uses an FM transmitter, for which the teacher or directed communication partner wears the microphone. Emma experiences difficulty with sentence structure, including verb tenses and plurals. She sometimes misses word endings and some high frequency sounds, such as ‘s’, ‘sh’, and ‘f’.
Emma also experiences difficulty pronouncing these sounds when speaking. To assist Emma’s language development, she is encouraged to use new language in each of the programmed lessons and in a range of contexts.
Adjustments include:
- changes to classroom organisation (positioning of student)
- use of audiology devices (FM transmitter and hearing aids)
- pre-teaching of the articulation of mathematics-specific language
- provision of increased processing time.
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