AITSL - Creating an inclusive    school culture

All school staff play an important role in the engagement and full participation of students with disability at your school. All staff influence culture and have an opportunity to contribute to creating an inclusive school environment.

This video outlines strategies for creating an inclusive school culture.

Watch the video below

This resource has been provided by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) who develop expertise and empower teachers and school leaders to create better education outcomes for Australian children. You can find further information on teaching students with disability and the terms and conditions on the AITSL website.

© 2021 the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Limited (AITSL). The Content was created by AITSL. AITSL was formed to provide national leadership for the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments in promoting excellence in the profession of teaching and school leadership with funding provided by the Australian Government.

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