Transcript Healthy Culture Healthy Country

Heading: Healthy Culture Healthy Country, NSW AECG

Heading: Royal National Bundeena Park

Murat Dizdar:
Good afternoon, I’m Murat Dizdar, I’m one of the Executive Directors in Public Schools NSW. We’ve had a fantastic two days with Healthy Culture, Healthy Country with our NSW AECG and our team of Directors. Lots of very, very deep learning that we all take away around our Aboriginal culture, our Aboriginal spirituality, our Aboriginal ingenuity and way of lifestyle. Each of us have taken some much more concerted learning that is reflective of where some our gaps are as senior officers working with principals and schools and I know that all of us are much better placed after two days to best support our principals and schools who do want to get it right and I see that increasingly across the board for the Aboriginal students, the Aboriginal communities, the Aboriginal young people that we serve in public education. I’ll take away with me a lot of things that include the immense history, immense adaptability and the immense ingrained culture, respect and spirituality that the Aboriginal people have for all that is around them and that will create a greater degree of appreciation in our line of work, when we work with school communities. In summary can I just say it’s a fantastic two days one that every person in public education should be part of because it highlights that when you learn from the traditional custodians, when you do learn from the first people, you get a much deeper respect for all that Aboriginal education entails. Thank you.

End of transcript

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  • Aboriginal Education and Communities
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