Find contacts throughout the NSW Department of Education. For head office call 1300 679 332. Address: GPO Box 33, Sydney NSW 2001
- AA
Aboriginal Education and Communities
Attendance, behaviour and engagement
- CC
Career learning and future skills (formerly senior pathways and VET programs)
Careers at Education
Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
Child protection
Connected Communities
Counselling and psychology services
Curriculum Secondary Learners
- DD
Disability programs for school students
Resources for school students with special needs
- EE
EDConnect (staff only)
Support, information and advice for schools and corporate staff.
Outside Australia: +61 2 8261 0640
Education and Skills Reform
Employment – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Recruitment and Programs
Employment – teacher approvals
- HH
Health and physical care
Healthy School Canteens
History of NSW government schools
- II
International students – study tours
Tel (in Australia): 1300 300 229 (Option 3)
Tel (outside Australia): +61 2 9244 5555 (Option 3)
International students – with student visa (subclass 500P)
1300 300 229 ( in Australia)
+61 2 9244 5555 (outside of Australia)
International students – with visitor, dependent student, bridging or other temporary resident visas
Temporary Residents Program
In Australia 1300 300 229 – Option 1
+61 2 9244 5555 (outside of Australia)
- LL
- MM
Media – Early Childhood Education
The department's Early Childhood Education media unit handles media inquiries relating to early childhood education.
Media – School infrastructure
School Infrastructure NSW handle all media inquiries relating to infrastructure.
Multicultural education
0437 569 848
MyPL – Training and Support
- NN
- PP
- QQ
Quality Teaching, Successful Students
- RR
Road safety education
Rural and Remote Education Strategy (2021-2024)
- SS
School excellence and accountability
0447 002 780
School Infrastructure NSW
School libraries
School security (staff only)
24-hour security hotline
Supplier and procurement inquiries
1300 32 32 32 (option 4)
- TT