bahasa Indonesia | Indonesian
Informasi untuk orangtua dan pengasuh | Information for parents and carers
- Belajar di rumah seandainya sekolah ditutup | Learning from home in case of school closures (Indonesian, PDF 230KB)
- Membantu anak Anda belajar di rumah | Supporting your child's learning at home (Indonesian, PDF 255KB)
Translated resources
- Membantu anak Anda dalam literasi dan numerasi di rumah | Helping your child with literacy and numeracy at home (Indonesian (PDF 3.2MB)
- Membaca dengan anak Anda di rumah | Reading with your child at home (Indonesian (PDF 60KB)
Matematika melatih otak | Maths Trains Brains
- Download Indonesian translation (PDF 1.46 MB)
Layanan juru bahasa lewat telepon | Telephone interpreter service
Call 131 450, tell the operator your language and the school telephone number. They will connect you with an interpreter who will help you with your conversation. This service is free of charge.