Reporting on English

The English K-10 syllabus states the essential knowledge, understanding and skills that students are expected to learn.

Parents and or carers are to be provided with information on their child’s learning in English as outlined in the Policy Standards for Curriculum Planning and Programming, Assessing and Reporting to Parents K-12 (PDF 201 KB) (CPPAR).

The English component of student reports must:

  • reflect the outcomes assessed
  • include A–E grades or word equivalent (Years 1 to 11) or a Personalised Reporting Scale grade
  • provide an English-specific comment.

Reports for Kindergarten students describe how well a child’s achievement in English compares with syllabus standards through the use of teacher comments. There is no formal requirement to provide a grade. Doing so is a school-based decision.

For further information about reporting on English refer to the NSW Department of Education microlearning module, Reporting to parents and carers (English K-2) (staff only).

Considerations for reporting on English

There will be variations in reports arising from the differences in school contexts.

Further to the CPPAR policy requirements, schools may also choose to include:

  • an indication of achievement in focus areas
  • an English specific goal for future learning
  • student self-reflection on learning in subject English.

All outcomes within the syllabus must be assessed, but there is no requirement that they will all be reported on in the biannual reports. The number of outcomes to be reported on in English is not mandated. This is a school-based decision. The choice of outcomes should reflect the knowledge and skills which have been taught and assessed during that reporting period.

Suggested examples

These samples represent possible reporting templates for biannual reports for parents and/or carers. These are optional examples for reporting on English for K-2. Schools will need to determine the outcomes and content that they will report on for each semester.

The English K-10 syllabus affords a refreshed approach to teaching English and therefore reporting. Sample reports include value-added features that support this approach. Schools are encouraged to choose an approach that best suits their school context and community needs.

As new information is released from NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA), and the department’s CPPAR policy is updated, these sample reports will be reviewed.

English – Achievement grade: Meeting expectations

Focus area

towards expected level
Meeting expectations Above

Oral language and communication


Phonological awareness

Print conventions

Phonic knowledge

Reading fluency

Reading comprehension

Creating written texts



Understanding and responding to literature

Sam confidently takes turns when contributing to group conversations. He uses personal and subject specific vocabulary in key learning areas to clarify meaning. Sam can match a letter to its corresponding sound. He can identify and substitute the first, middle and final sounds of a one-syllable word. Sam can identify and name lower- and upper-case letters and can distinguish between punctuation, words and numerals in texts. He reads texts aloud with expression and responds to a full stop to mark the end of a sentence. With support, Sam can recall the sequence of events and is learning to form an opinion and express his likes and dislikes about texts. He writes simple sentences using capital letters and full stops. Sam can spell his own name and taught high frequency words. He can form letters using the correct starting point and direction.

English – Achievement grade: Meeting expectations

Focus area and content

Above expectations Meeting expectations Working towards expectations

Understands and effectively uses vocabulary in familiar contexts

Phonological awareness
Identifies, blends and segments sounds in spoken words to read and create texts

Phonic knowledge
Uses letter patterns and combinations when reading and creating texts

Reading fluency
Reads texts aloud with automaticity

Reading comprehension
Comprehends independently read texts using word, sentence and background knowledge

Creating written texts
Creates written texts that includes related ideas and simple sentences

Understanding and responding to literature
Understands and responds to literature read to them

Lacy is an enthusiastic learner in English and has shown growth in all focus areas this semester. She uses her extensive knowledge of sound and letter patterns to read and create texts.

Future directions for Lacy include:

  • using visual cues and asking questions to clarify meaning in a text
  • using personal pronouns correctly in writing
  • drawing on her background knowledge to discuss and compare characters.

English – Achievement grade: D

Focus area

Oral Language and communication
Effectively communicates and elaborates ideas in social and learning environments

Understands and effectively uses vocabulary to extend and elaborate ideas

Phonic Knowledge
Uses complex letter patterns and combinations when reading and creating texts

Reading fluency
Maintains fluency and self-corrects when reading new texts aloud

Reading comprehension
Comprehends independently read texts by monitoring meaning and activating background, word and sentence knowledge

Creating written texts
Plans, creates and revises texts written for different purposes

Applies a range of spelling strategies when writing in a variety of contexts

Uses a legible handwriting style, and digital technology when creating texts

Understanding and responding to literature
Understands and responds to literature by creating texts using appropriate language choices and features

Lannie’s strengths in English include:

  • applying grapheme-phoneme knowledge to read one- and two-syllable words
  • using word-processing software to produce texts.

Lannie’s learning goals in English include:

  • understanding that the same word can have different meanings
  • writing compound sentences using correct punctuation.

How to assess English

Teachers make professional, on-balance judgements to decide which grade description best matches the standards their students have achieved at a particular point in time. These decisions are based on evidence of achievement and information teachers have collected during the teaching and learning.

For further information on assessment in English refer to the NSW Department of Education microlearning module, Assessment strategies in English K-2.


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