Child protection units and resources

Child protection and respectful relationships education is the responsibility of the whole school community and is most effective as part of a whole school approach.

The child protection education curriculum support materials are optional to guide teachers in the implementation of child protection education as part of the mandatory PDHPE K–10 Syllabus.

Each unit of work is designed as a sequence of learning which can be used in their entirety, or sections of the unit inserted into existing units to complement learning. It is recommended that learning is of adequate duration to allow students the opportunity to build in-depth knowledge, understanding, and skills. ​​

Materials should be reviewed in full and endorsed by the school principal before use.

Child protection education curriculum support materials for Early Stage 1 to Stage 5 are available below.

Download a printable version (PDF 32750 KB) that includes all units of work, support resources, and additional support information.

Early Stage 1 to Stage 3

Stage 4 and Stage 5


  • Teaching and learning

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  • Teaching and Learning Support
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