Stage 3 reading - Text structure

Learning intention

Students will learn to identify genre and specific structural and language features within types of texts. Students will learn to identify genre in a range of imaginative, persuasive and informative texts.

Syllabus outcome

  • EN3-RECOM-01: fluently reads and comprehends texts for wide purposes, analysing text structures and language, and by monitoring comprehension
  • EN3-UARL-01: analyses representations of ideas in literature through narrative, character, imagery, symbol and connotation, and adapts these representations when creating texts

National Literacy Learning Progression

Understanding texts

  • UnT8: explains how textual features support the text’s purpose (process); uses knowledge of the features and conventions of the type of text to build meaning (e.g. recognises that the beginning of a persuasive text may introduce the topic and the line of argument) (process); identifies language features used to present opinions or points of view (process)

  • UnT9: distils information from a number of texts according to task and purpose (e.g. uses graphic organisers) (comprehension); uses knowledge of a broader range of cohesive devices to track meaning (e.g. word associations) (see Grammar) (process); evaluates text features for relevance to purpose and audience (process); identifies language used to create tone or atmosphere (vocabulary); analyses language and visual features in texts using metalanguage (e.g. cohesion, interpretation, figurative) (vocabulary)
  • UnT10: applies and articulates criteria to evaluate the language structures and features for relevance to purpose and audience (comprehension)

NAPLAN item descriptors

The relevant NAPLAN item descriptors are included in the resource, available for download on this page.

Task outline

Full task descriptions are included in the resource, available for download on this page.

Analysing imaginative texts: Purpose, audience and effect

Students determine: purpose, audience and effect; theme and moral in a range of imaginative text extracts.

Analysing imaginative texts: Structure of narratives

Students determine structure of narratives in a range of imaginative text extracts.

Analysing informative texts

Students determine the purpose of a range of informative texts.

Analysing persuasive texts

Students determine the purpose of a range of persuasive texts.

Identifying types of texts

Students organise and identify key structural and text features of informative, persuasive and imaginative texts.

Identifying purpose, audience, form and tone

Students analyse a variety of texts, identifying purpose, audience, form and tone, using the PAFT matrix.

Using structural elements to infer the author

Students examine structural elements of texts to predict the author.


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Educational Standards
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