Planning, programming and assessing English 7–10

Support and advice for teachers of Stages 4 and 5 English.

English K–10 Syllabus (2022)

Resources designed for English K–10 Syllabus (2022) that can be adapted to suit the individual needs of your students.

English K–10 Syllabus (2022) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2025.

These sample teaching and learning resources guiding the implementation of the Stage 4 and 5 sections of the English K–10 Syllabus (2022) are designed through the 'phases' approach. This information is designed to guide teachers through the Phases approach to conceptual programming and enhance their understanding of the sample materials and the ways they can be adopted and adapted.


These documents assist with the planning, implementation and evaluation of teaching and learning practice for the English K–10 Syllabus (2022).

Sample scope and sequences

These sample scope and sequences provide an approach to organising syllabus outcomes and content to address syllabus requirements. Sample teaching and learning programs, resources and assessments will be aligned to these scope and sequences.

Composite sample scope and sequences

These composite sample scope and sequences for Stage 4 and 5 are aligned to the English K–10 Syllabus (NESA 2022). They have been designed to support schools who have composite classes comprised of students from one stage.

Many schools will have their own scope and sequence templates. This sample provides a brief overview of each teaching and learning program, the questions guiding the implementation of the outcomes, the outcomes and content groups driving the design of assessment and the text requirements.

The samples are designed to be flexible and able to be adapted and refined by teachers as they plan for student learning needs. Content groups are identified at the point of introduction to the students and should be revisited and consolidated throughout the year, based on assessment data. Some content groups or points will require more emphasis and repetition than others. This document details when specific outcomes and content groups could be introduced.

Stage 4 resources

Sample resources for teaching and learning programs.

These documents accompany the teaching and learning program 'Knowing the rules to break the rules'.

Two versions of the resource booklet have been provided. One version contains the full text of all resources and activities, including annotations of Kae Tempest's poetry. The other contains resources and activities, but only abbreviated descriptions and excerpts of the poetry. The full text version of the resource booklet and the Core text booklet (containing all licensed poems) are only available to staff from the NSW Department of Education.

Access the staff only documents for 'Knowing the rules to break the rules'.

This document contains an overview of the texts used in the Sample Stage 4 teaching and learning materials.

Stage 4 – Quality texts in English (staff only) (DOCX 38.9 MB)

Stage 5 resources

Sample resources for teaching and learning programs.

Poetic purpose resources is a suite of materials that include teacher support, video resources and a learning program to accompany the delivery of the program 'Poetic purpose'.

These documents accompany the teaching and learning program 'Novel voices'.

Two versions of the resource booklet have been provided. One version contains the full text of all resources and activities, including annotations of extracts from Benjamin Alire Sáenz’s novel Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe. The other contains resources and activities, but only abbreviated descriptions of the novel’s extracts. The full text version of the resource booklet and the Core text booklet (containing all licensed extracts) are only available to staff from the NSW Department of Education.

Access the staff only documents for 'Novel voices':

This document contains an overview of the texts used in the Sample Stage 5 teaching and learning materials.

Stage 5 – Quality texts in English (staff only) (DOCX 11.4 MB)


Teaching of the English K–10 Syllabus (2022) in NSW primary schools has been required since the start of 2024.

Engaging with English microlearning courses will help you develop the required knowledge, understanding and skills for effective syllabus implementation.

English K–10 Syllabus (2012)

Units designed for English K–10 Syllabus (2012) that can be adapted to suit the individual needs of your students.

Character study within poetry (3+ hours)

Character poem – Timothy Winters (DOCX 78 KB) – character in poetry.

Code and convention

Code and convention (DOCX 100 KB) – develop students' thinking imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically about information, ideas and arguments to respond to and compose texts.

Crafting character (3-4 hours)

Crafting character – short story (DOCX 99 KB) – students refine their understanding of the conventions of the short story form, the process of characterisation, and the features of narrative.

Creative writing (3 to 4 hours)

Creative writing (DOCX 88 KB) – utilise within a larger unit in order to develop capacity with language and creative writing skills.

Film study: Finding Nemo (3 to 4 hours)

Film – Finding Nemo (DOCX 941 KB) – a student-guided inquiry into characterisation using the film text Finding Nemo.

Representation in advertising (5 to 8 hours)

Representation in advertising (DOC 94 KB) – develop student understanding of representation and how it is constructed by the composer.

Are you talking to me?

i Space

From page to page – multimodal narratives

ALARM template for novel study (5 to 8 hours)

ALARM template – novel study (DOCX 70 KB) – students complete a scaffold that guides them to demonstrate their understanding of how context, characterisation and theme are relevant to their understanding or appreciation of a text.

Exploring the Gothic conventions in short animated film (4 to 6 hours)

Gothic animation (DOCX 85 KB) – students learn about gothic conventions as part of a wider unit on genre, or short film, or creating mood, setting or description in fiction and film specifically looking at gothic animation.

Concepts – Perspective in war poetry

Concepts – Perspective in war poetry (DOCX 75 KB) – this lesson to analyse concepts of perspective, context or representation.

Character and context in Macbeth

Character and context in Macbeth (DOCX 64.6 KB) – an activity showing how Shakespeare describes the character Macbeth.

Documenting our world

Documenting our world engages students in contemporary issues through the study of documentary films. Students view two documentaries before undertaking the task of composing their own documentary in a small group.

In their position

In their position explores the representations of refugees and asylum seekers in global, national and personal contexts. Students engage with multiple perspectives and critically analyse the power of language to persuade and position audiences.

The English textual concepts and learning processes support the explicit teaching of the knowledge and skill in the English syllabuses. Through the use of English textual concepts, teachers can chart the development of student understanding through each stage of learning.


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