HSC exams end for 70,000 Year 12 students in NSW
The 2023 HSC exams have come to an end.
03 November 2023

The 2023 HSC exams will come to an end today, as close to 70,000 Year 12 students pass the milestone of completing their high school career.
Finishing the Higher School Certificate is the culmination of 13 years of schooling and a major achievement for the tens of thousands of students who sit the 124 exams each year.
This year, 68,689 students are finishing school with their HSC. Another 8150 students, many not yet in Year 12, completed at least one HSC course.
Over the last 18 days, close to 400,000 exams were successfully conducted, thanks to a major preparation effort by principals, teachers, school-based support staff and exam staff.
Today, nearly 4000 students will sit the final Food Technology exam, beginning shortly after 9am.
Feedback from teachers and students say exams were fair and gave students the opportunity to show what they know.
Marking of HSC exams has already begun as 5500 HSC markers pore over more than 1.2 million response booklets, before HSC and ATAR results are released on 14 December.
Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car said:
“The hard work is done, and today our Year 12 students can celebrate everything they have achieved.
“Reaching the end of a 13-year schooling career is a major accomplishment, and today all Year 12 students deserve to feel proud.
“I also want to tell all Year 12 students that they are not defined by their results.
“There are many pathways to success, and multiple ways to achieve your dreams.
“What matters is that you are leaving school proud of who you are, and ready to move on to the next phase of your life.”
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