Getting ready for a smooth transition Ê The online enrolment system allows parents and carers to complete an expression of interest (EOI) or placement not required (PNR) online. As a primary school, you play a pivotal role in the year 6 to 7 transition process. Prior to the EOI process opening in March each year, we recommend you do the following: ? - Confirm each studentÕs permanent residential address is correct in ERN. - Inform parents and carers on the two-step transition process: First, they need to complete an expression of interest ÊÊÊÊand once they have received an offer, they will need to complete a full enrolment application. Ê When the EOI window opens, advise parents and carers to go to the enrolment section of the school's website and select moving to high school where they can find a link to the online EOI or PNR form. Ê Processing an expression of interest or a placement not required Ê To manage the EOIs or PNRs of your students, navigate to the OES dashboard. If you have any new items to process, you will see a quick link in the action items. If you have no action items listed, select year 6 outgoing from the dropdown menu, where you can see the status of all your received EOIs. Ê You'll need to select each EOI or PNR, then link them to the student registration number, SRN. Once the SRN is linked successfully, EOIs can be sent to the high school. Ê Each year before the year 6 to 7 transition process opens, the unlinked students tab is populated with year 6 students currently enroled at your primary school. If a parent or carer chooses to give verbal advice or submits a paper EOI or paper PNR, you will need to manually add this information. Ê Click on the name of the relevant student and follow the steps to complete the EOI on their behalf. Once an EOI has been submitted, that specific student will be removed from the unlinked students tab. If no EOI has been submitted, students will remain on the unlinked students tab. Every primary school has a duty of care to follow up on each student. Ê Additional information - Out of area schools. Ê In the high school tracking sheet, primary schools can view the status of each application. Parents and carers can nominate up to three out of area schools in order of preference. If a school is unable to offer a place, the EOI will then be submitted to the next school nominated. If the out of area schools are unable to offer a place, the student is entitled to a place at their local high school. Ê Enrolment offer and confirmation. Ê When a high school offers a place to a student through OES, parents and carers receive an automated email with a link to complete a full enrolment application. After submitting the enrolment application, the high school will confirm placement and advise on next steps. Ê As a recap, all this information is available on our website, including a step-by-step action schedule with key dates and resources: End of transcript