
Students will be prepared for work in the future with enhanced digital literacy and critical collaboration, and team-based problem-solving skills. Their education will be personalised and flexible - wherever they are.

Meet 14-year-old student Tara who has just moved to a new school in regional NSW. This is how the Schools Digital Strategy (SDS) will make her journey a lot smoother and keep her connected with her classmates.

Click on video to watch.


What does the Schools Digital Strategy mean for our students?

Students will benefit from more personalised learning and tailored support.

They will be able to track their learning progression and interact with their teachers, parents and carers, and peers across their learning journey.

Meet 14-year-old student Tara who has just moved to a new school in regional NSW. The transition to her new school has been challenging. These challenges can be seen as possibilities that we can act-on to improve her transitioning experience.

[Voiceover - Tara]

At my last school, we could work together online which really helped if you got stuck on a subject or if you were doing a homework assignment together. That doesn't happen here. It's probably because the internet is so slow.


In the future, every student will have equal access to digital communication and learning tools wherever they are.

[Voiceover - Tara]

My first assignment was about endangered species in Australia. I found my old friend Louise online and we are working on it together. It's so nice to feel connected even though we live so far apart.


The Schools Digital Strategy will ensure students will not be disadvantaged as a consequence of geography, accessibility or access to technology and are supported in their learning journey and receive an engaging and safe education experience that supports their interests, strengths and development needs making sure they have the right skills for future work.

[End of transcript]

Students will:

  • Receive more personalised, flexible and high-quality learning experiences wherever they are.
  • Develop the essential digital literacy skills they need for work in the future.
  • Experience smoother transitions between schools.
  • Receive equitable access to subjects and learning materials from within and outside their school.
  • Have deeper insight into their progress and more involvement in decisions about their education.
  • Experience easier collaboration with peers in schools both here and globally.

Learn more

For more information about the program, go to our Projects and initiatives section.


  • Technology


  • High performance
  • Learning
  • Technology
  • Technology, devices and the internet

Business Unit:

  • Information Technology
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