Closing the digital gap

One of the key tasks of the strategy's Rural Access Gap program was the digital upgrade of more than 1,000 rural, remote and regional schools.

Delivering teacher devices

Giving teachers greater access to a portable device has helped them build digital skills, access student data, and streamline lesson planning.

Increased connectivity

Fast, reliable and secure internet connectivity was delivered as part of a $365 million infrastructure upgrade of rural and remote schools.

Plan your digital journey

The Digital Maturity Planner was a tool that helped schools identify gaps, and assisted in building and managing a plan that lifted their digital capabilities.

Delivering an education experience that is connected, informed and empowered.


Simplifying the digital landscape and bridging the gap.

Empowering school leaders to innovate,

Supporting teachers to deliver a richer learning experience.

Helping students learn on their own terms.

Connecting parents and carers with their child's learning

Streamlining processes for support staff.

Working with schools to build a brighter future.

Schools Digital Strategy.

Preparing today's students, for tomorrow's world.

[End of transcript]

Empowering our schools

Digital innovation continues to reshape our world, from the way we communicate and learn, to the jobs we do, and the decisions we make.

We must embrace that change, seize those opportunities, and prepare ourselves by delivering an education experience that is connected, informed and empowered.

Some of the initiatives delivered include the Rural Access Gap program, the Digital Maturity Planner, and more streamlined communication between schools and parents and carers.

Explore the strategy further

Learn more about how the SDS helped schools, our roadmap, and initiatives.

Learn more

For more information about the program, go to our Projects and initiatives section.

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