HSC results reports

Scout supports you in analysing and evaluating your school’s HSC results to identify successes, as well as areas for improvement.

The HSC Results report provides an overview of your school’s performance in the HSC, within courses across each key learning area.

Watch the video below to learn more.

HSC results reports in Scout

Scout supports you to analyse and evaluate your school’s HSC results to identify successes, as well as areas for improvement.

The HSC Results report provides an overview of your school’s performance in the HSC, within courses across each ‘key learning’ area.

The boxplot chart shows the distribution of results for students in the selected calendar year and key learning area. Hover over the chart to see a summary of the metrics.

Consider reviewing the averages across multiple years to build an evidence set across time. For example, if your school has small cohorts in particular subjects, or if you are in a smaller school, you can combine years to build a larger group for analysis.

To do so, hold down the CONTROL key on a PC or the Command key on a Mac while selecting multiple years from the ‘Year’ slicer. These selections will be instantly reflected in the tables below the chart.

The ‘HSC Results by SES’ report shows your school’s performance in the HSC within each key learning area by student socio-economic status (or SES). You can use this information to evaluate whether your teaching strategies are meeting the needs of your students across all SES groups.

The ‘HSC Results in Bands’ report allows you to compare the percentage of students in bands by school against the percentage of students in bands by state. There are 6 bands in total. A higher band represents h higher achievement. The column chart does not show averages; it shows the percentage of students who achieved in each band at the school.

Make sure to select a course in the HSC ‘Course Name’ slicer to view the distribution for each course. It is recommended to view one course at a time. Each course is scaled differently, so combining results for multiple courses may not provide accurate insights.

For more information on how to use these reports, click the ‘report explanation’ link at the top of each report or visit our website: education.nsw.gov.au/scout


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