Open Support Requests
This report is provided by EDConnect and is part of the suite of EDConnect operational reports available via Scout.
This report provides an overview of open support requests.
Executive Directors and Directors, Educational Leadership can view all schools within their network.
How will this report benefit me?
- This report provides users with the ease of viewing the status of open support requests without needing to phone EDConnect to follow up.
- The report identifies open support requests that may need following up.
What does the report provide?
This one page report provides the following information:
Open Support Requests
This tile shows the total volume of open support requests for the selected school.
Average Age
This tile shows the average age in days of open support requests for the selected school.
Age Violin
This violin chart shows the distribution of open requests by their age. The vertical height of the violin represents the age spread of requests with the width showing the volume.
Open Requests by Service Family and Support Tier (Circles Chart)
This chart shows the volume of open support request by assigned service family and current support tier.
Open Support Requests Details Table
This table lists all open support requests. It includes details of the Request Number, Service Family, Functional Tier, Assigned Group, date the request was submitted and the age in days of the request.
What should I look for?
- Look for open requests that are impacting the operations of the school that may require follow up with EDConnect.
Where does this data come from?
The Department’s incident management system Remedy.
How frequently is data updated?
Supporting links
For more information about some of these reports you can follow the below links: