ScR Enrolments
The ScR Enrolments report provides information on student enrolments across schools in NSW.
This report is available only to The School Communications and Engagement unit (SCE).
How will this report benefit me?
Users can view enrolment numbers, and trends such as increasing or decreasing enrolments. Because a school can be compared with multiple local competitor schools on the same chart, users can determine which schools are growing faster than others, which may inform decisions about which schools may need more assistance from the unit.
It also allows comparison with non-government school enrolments; increasing or decreasing non-government enrolments directly impact on enrolments in government schools.
What does the ScR Enrolments report provide?
The following visualisations are available in this report:
Historical and Projected School Enrolments
- This line displays historical enrolments by year for the selected school/s.
- 10 years of historical data will eventually be included, however the earliest year displayed is 2011. This is due to unavailability of high-quality data prior to this year.
- School enrolment projections from AMS are included for the next 15 years - 5, 10 and 15 year likely projections. Note that the axis scale changes between the historical and projected enrolments.
- Only government school projections are in the chart. Projections do not exist for non-government schools.
School Enrolments Table
- This table presents the same data as the chart, but in tabular format.
Use the following slicers to select a school and analyse the data:
- School Name – Choose a school in this slicer first. This will select the local area to analyse.
- School Distance Band Name – Choose one or more distance bands to view. Note that they are set up as concentric rings. To view all schools within 10km of the proximity school, you need to select both the 5km and 10km distance bands.
- Selected School Name by Distance – Once the previous three slicers are set, all schools within the selected distance band and sector will appear in this slicer. Use this slicer to select or deselect schools to appear in the chart.
- Sector Name – use this to select the sector, e.g. Government or Systemic. This will affect the schools available to select in the School Name slicer. The default is Government schools.
- Type – select the school type, e.g. secondary school.
- Gender – use this to slice by gender.
- Aboriginal - The term Aboriginal used in this data set refers to and includes both Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In NSW the preferred term is Aboriginal, rather than Indigenous or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
What should I look for?
- Schools with a significant increase or decline in enrolments over the years, or significant projected increases or decreases.
- Note that the scale changes when moving from historical to projected enrolments, from 1 to 5 year intervals.
- Schools where enrolments are decreasing, but neighbouring schools have increasing enrolments. This may indicate a school that needs additional support from the unit.
Where does this data come from?
- Historical Enrolments (including non-government schools) come from the annual enrolment census.
- Enrolment projections come from AMS.
How frequently is data updated?
- Historical enrolments are updated annually after the Enrolment census is completed in August.
- Projected enrolments are loaded daily from AMS, and updated annually in the source system.