28 day KPI Dashboard


Insights gained from this dashboard must not be used in reports or publications without first requesting permission from Student Support & Specialist Programs. These requests will be verified before permission can be given.


The Access Request Dashboard – 28-day KPI report measures the number of access requests for immediate or next term support that have been resolved and a decision communicated to parents within 28 days (excluding school holidays).

A second report – First panel decision uses the same exceptions as the 28-day KPI and shows how many access requests had a panel outcome within 28 days from first submission.


The purpose of the dashboard is to allow users to measure the percentage of access requests that have been met the 28-day KPI within a selected timeframe.

Measures relating to the 28-day KPI

Measures included:

  • From: the date an access request is first submitted by schools
  • To: date of the first priority outcome and review
  • Access request statuses included: Submitted, In Progress, Completed and Declined
  • Priority statuses included: supported, deferred and declined
  • Up to 28 calendar days or exceeding 28 calendar days – excluding school holidays
  • only requests for immediate and next term support
  • Provisions for Integration Funding Support; support class placement in mainstream schools and schools for specific purposes and Distance Education 2.8 and 2.9

Measures excluded:

  • Access requests transferred due to the family moving
  • Withdrawn access requests
  • Provisions for DESU (Distance Education Support Unit) and early intervention resource.
  • Requests for support for the following year and Year 5 for Year 7

Data Dictionary

Data term Values Notes

School Performance area

Name of the School Performance area

Sourced from CESE's master dataset

Principal Network

Name of the principal network

Sourced from CESE's master dataset


Name of the school

Sourced from CESE's master dataset

Student Support & Specialist Programs office

Name of the Student Support & Specialist Programs office

Name of the Student Support & Specialist Programs office associated with the access request submitting school.

AR first submission date


Date the access request is submitted by the student's school to the local Student Support & Specialist Programs office. This is the date from which the 28-day KPI is measured.


Unique number

Unique student record number

Outcome review date


The date on which the panel outcome is reviewed and communication is provided to the parents. This is the date on which the 28-day KPI is judged. If there has been 28 days or less (not including school holidays) since the access request’s first submission date, then the access request has met the KPI.

Unique identifier for AR system

Unique number

The unique number allocated to the access request by the database system

Earliest panel date


The first date one or more of the priorities was first considered by a panel.

Earliest priority

Name of priority

An access request can have 1, 2 or 3 priorities with the first being the parents highest or preferred support category choice. Where more than one priority was considered by the panel on the same date, the highest priority has been chosen.

% of ARs that met the 28-day KPI

Access requests after inclusions & exclusions set out above, whose Outcome review date was 28 days or less after the access request submission date (excluding school holidays, but including weekends)

% of ARs that did not met the 28-day KPI

Access requests after inclusions & exclusions set out above, whose Outcome review date is more than 28 days after the AR submission date or there is no outcome review date and 28 days from the AR submission date has past.

% of ARs > 28 days without a review and communicate date

The percentage of access requests where there is no outcome review date and 28 days from the AR submission date has past. They have not met the 28 day KPI

% of ARs still pending within 28 days

The ARs which have no outcome review date and less than 28 days (not including school holidays, but including weekends) has accrued from the AR submission date. They may still meet the 28 day KPI.

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  • DoE

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  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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