Course data over time report

About this report

This report provides high quality disability professional learning data to analyse professional learning uptake, patterns and trends to strengthen strategic support to schools. It informs decisions to enhance disability professional learning that builds capability to support students with disability.


Data Source: MyPL and SAP HR

Updated: daily

Designed for

The Disability Professional Learning dashboard is designed for senior executive to see what disability professional learning has been undertaken by staff. Data are aligned to current staff location and role.

  • Executive directors and senior executive from Inclusion and Wellbeing, Teaching Quality and Impact and Delivery Support have access to statewide data to support accurate analysis of uptake, patterns and trends to inform decision making.
  • Directors Educational Leadership and Learning and Wellbeing teams have access to local data to inform universal, guided and strategic support to schools.


How can I use this report?

This report provides information about courses available during the selected time period and shows trends in course completions and hours of professional learning.

Using the report

Select the results you want

The filters to the left of the report allow you to select the results you want to be displayed.

image of report filters image of report filters

Select filters

The filters allow you to select information by:

  • Selection period - data is available for the previous four years
  • ·Organisation type - two options are available - SCHOOL and NON SCHOOL. The filter will default to SCHOOL but is easily changed

School filters

- statewide access allows filtering between operational directorates

- local level access allows access to principal network information based on location

  • School hierarchy - displays operational directorate, principal network and school level data
  • School type - allows to drill down data to various K-12 school settings

Course filters

  • Course sub category - courses can be filtered by sub category
  • Course topic area - courses can be filtered by topic area
  • Current course title - lists the 48 courses available

Employment filters

  • Position grouping - ability to filter by key roles

Hold control (Windows) or command (Mac) to make multiple selections.

Use the eraser icon to clear any selections and view all available options in that slicer.

image of position name filter image of position name filter
Image: Clear selections with the eraser icon

View the charts

Your selections will automatically be applied to all sections of the report.

If you do not make any selections the report will continue to show all results available to you under each of these categories.

Courses available in selected time period table

This table shows the number of available courses and total course hours by Course sub category and Course course topic area in the selected time period. Use the grey scroll bar on the right to view all information.

image of courses table image of courses table

For example, this graph shows there were five courses relating to the topic area of transitions available in 2022.

Courses completions in selected time period graph

This graph shows the number of course completions in a selected time period. School, Course and Employment filters can be applied for more specific information.

image of course completions line graph image of course completions line graph

For example, this graph shows the number of course completions for the Disability Standards for Education Leaders course by executive staff in 2022.

You can hover over each graph marker to display course completion information for that point in time.

Completed hours within selected time period graph

This graph shows how many hours of professional learning were completed in a selected time period. School, Course and Employment filters can be applied for more specific information.

image of completed hours line graph image of completed hours line graph

For example, this graph shows how many hours School-based non-teaching staff dedicated to professional learning in 2022.

You can hover over each graph marker to display number of hours for each course topic area for that point in time.

Export data

You can download the results in this report for further analysis using the ‘More Options’ tab on the top right of some charts. Click on the three dots, or ellipsis, to bring up the menu, then select ‘Export data.’

image of menu to export data image of menu to export data

Reset to default

If you wish to remove selections you have made and return to the initial view of the report, select ‘Reset to default.’

image of reset button image of reset button

Frequently asked questions

1) Why are course completion data not showing for a particular school?

This means no current staff at the particular school have completed the professional learning.

The dashboard links MyPL course completion data to staff current position as per last pay period. This means that course completion data will show where staff are currently based not where they were located when they completed the course.

2) Why are only some staff positions called out in the Employment filter?

The roles identified in the report specifically relate to the support of students with disability.

3) What information does the Course sub category filter provide?

A customised roll up of courses related to MyPL course categories to allow for detailed analysis.

4) What information does the Course topic area filter provide?

A customised roll up of courses linked to pre-determined disability related topics for more granular analysis.

5) Can I view course completion data for all staff regardless of current employment status?

Yes. While the filter currently defaults to ‘currently employed,’ this can be modified to ALL to show all staff or NO – to show staff who are no longer employed. Open chevron to the right of the report to change filter option.

6) Can I access data older than four years?

No. Data is held for four years within the data warehouse.

7) Why can I see BLANK or UNKNOWN in some of the filters?

This occurs when no related SAP HR information has been found.


  • DoE

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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