CRE School Survey Dashboard

About this report

Data sources: CESE Curriculum Reform Schools Survey, calculated Family Occupation and Education Index (FOEI) data, SAP establishment, PERS, Sentral timetabling and Master dataset from CESE Data hub.

Updated: Every six months

Designed for

This report allows Education Support Staff from Curriculum and Reform to view survey data from teachers and leaders in schools currently implementing the new curriculum. The survey aims to evaluate the implementation of the current reform and the impacts of the Curriculum and Reform team’s support for these reforms.

This report can be used to compare the data from teachers and leaders across time and across stages and KLAs.

What does the report provide?

This report contains data about:

  • Experiences of teachers and leaders in the current reforms
  • Enabling factors and barriers to curriculum implementation
  • Outcomes expected from the Curriculum and Reform program
  • Impact of the support and resources from the department on current reforms.

Outcomes related to the survey questions are shown in the blue boxes at the bottom of the page.

Image: Outcomes related to the survey questions are at the bottom of the page

Use the filters provided to filter and further analyse the data:

  • Year
  • Semester
  • Level of schooling
    • PreK – Primary (P – 6)
    • Secondary (7 – 12)
  • School characteristics –School Performance Directorate (excludes Connected Communities)
  • Role of the leader

% of respondents for each question asked

This report displays the percentage of teacher and leader responses for each question asked. It also shows the historical results over the time period selected in the filter pane.

Please note that some charts are not available if the number of responses is less than 5.

Image: Example: Percentage of respondents for each question asked

Definition of school characteristics

The following definitions have been used for school classification:

  • ‘Small’ if full-time equivalent (FTE) enrolment was in the first quartile and 'not small' otherwise. The size classification was calculated separately for schools teaching at the Primary level (i.e., Primary schools, SSPs, Central Schools, Infants) and Secondary level.
  • ‘Metro’ or ‘non-metro’ according to ASGS classifications.
  • ‘Least advantaged’ when calculated FOEI score was in the 4th quartile and ‘not least advantaged’ otherwise.
  • ‘High LBOTE’ when the proportion of students who are LBOTE was in the top 25%, and ‘not high LBOTE’ if otherwise.
  • ‘High Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander’ enrolment when the proportion of students who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander is in the top 25%.
  • ‘Leader’ when respondent’s role was either of these categories: Principal, Teaching Principal, Deputy Principal, Assistant Principal, Assistant Principal, Curriculum & Instruction (APC&I) and Head Teacher.

These definitions can be found in the information button of the filter pane.

Image: Select the information button to view definitions

Survey sample and analysis

Survey sample

The curriculum reform implementation survey was sent to teachers and leaders from half (around 1,100 schools) of NSW government schools each semester. The school population in each quarter is representative of all NSW government schools in terms of size, relative advantage and remoteness. This process confirms that all NSW government school teachers and leaders get a chance to give feedback about the implementation of curriculum reform by the end of each school year.

Analysis weighting

Two sets of weights were applied during the survey analysis.

The first was to weigh the results at the school level so responses from teachers and leaders are averaged for each school. This weighting was necessary as the total population of leaders and teachers who support curriculum implementation cannot be ascertained. This weighting scheme also ensures that the results are not skewed by experiences from schools with more teacher and leader respondents.

The second weighting scheme was to weight the final survey sample from each wave to be representative of the characteristics of the school population for each wave (in terms of size, relative advantage, and remoteness).

What should I look for?

The table of contents will take you to the section of the report that is relevant or of interest to you. Sections include:

  • Data Points from Teachers – Implementation
  • Data Points from Teachers – Syllabus Specific English for K-10
  • Data Points from Teachers – Syllabus Specific Mathematics for K-10
  • Data Points from Leaders – Implementation
  • Data Points from Leaders – Role-Specific
  • Data Points from CRC School Coordinators
  • School Leader Resources


Selecting an element from the filter pane on the right will filter all visuals in the report. Filtering allows the user to select the time period they are interested in. Selecting the filter option the second time will remove the filter.

Image: Select an option from the dropdowns to filter the report


Hovering over an element of a chart summarises the category in the chart, the percentage contribution of that category, and the sum of the weighted values in this category.

Image: Hover over charts for more information


Instructions on how to navigate the report are shown on the instructions page.

Export the results

The information in this report can be exported by hovering over the third tab ('Export') on the top layer of any page. This 'Export' tab allows you to export the report in PDF or PowerPoint format.

Image: Export results for further analysis

Reset to default

If you wish to remove selections you have made and return to the initial view of the report, select ‘Clear all filters’ from the filter pane on the right.

Image: Select 'Clear all filters' in the filter pane to reset back to default


  • DoE

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum and Reform
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