Open data
The department is committed to providing public access to quality information and data. This page provides useful links to both department and non-department data.
NSW Government Open Data Policy
The department supports the NSW Open Data Policy, which aims to improve public access to government data. Sharing open data streamlines service delivery and reporting, enables value-adding and supports transparency.
Education data on Data.NSW
The Data Hub for NSW education data was retired in June 2024. The department’s public education data is now located at Data.NSW, the Department of Customer Service’s open data portal.
Data.NSW provides the public, media, policy makers and researchers with access to data sets collected by a range of NSW Government agencies.
The department’s published data sets relate to early childhood education, public schools and vocational education and training (VET). New data sets will be added in the future once they are identified and assessed to be suitable for publication in line with the NSW Open Data Policy.
Accessing non-public data
To request custom data that is not available online, complete the data request form. Form submissions are collected in line with the collection notice for data request form submissions.
School data
- The master dataset lists all NSW public schools with key information such as enrolments, location and contact details.
- Publications from the Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation.
- School infrastructure website – for data on school infrastructure projects.
- The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) holds attainment data on all NSW schools, government and non-government. The NESA statistics archive has datasets relating to HSC, HSC preliminary, Stage 5 and School Certificate (2011 and earlier).
- History of NSW government schools for historical information.
- List of all Australian schools maintained by the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).
- NAPLAN data is maintained by ACARA. For individual school NAPLAN data, refer to MySchool. For national NAPLAN results and reports, refer to the ACARA website.
- The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) publishes the Initial Teacher Education data report.
Early childhood education data
- The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority holds the national register of approved child care education services.
- Public preschool data.
VET, skills and higher education data
- Higher education data is predominantly collected and owned by the federal government, Department of Education and Training (DET) and the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). DET provides selected higher education statistics published annually.
- The National Centre of Vocational Education Research collects data on vocational education and training.
Data relating to the entire education sector
- NSW Department of Education annual report.
- The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) publishes publications covering national education statistics (with breakdowns by state), across all levels of education.
- ACARA provides various datasets through the Data Access program and data portal.
- The Productivity Commission produces an annual report on government services, including education.